Finally : Chapter 35

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Isabella's POV

Woken up by Samantha, I sat up.

"I'm going to work. You're going to stay with Mark until I come and pick you up." She said to me.

Ugh... I don't want to see anyone except Lexi. I've seen Mark, Josh, and Jazz everyday but I just want to see Lexi.

"K." I replied and she went out the door.

When she closed the door, I snuggled back into the covers. Poor Jazz, she isn't really energetic anymore since Lexi isn't around.

Rolling out of the bed, my blanket followed with me. Now wrapped up in the blanket on the floor, I crawled out. Getting up from the floor, I went over to my closet and changed into some jeans and a T-shirt.

"Hurry up, Isabella!" I heard Samantha shout to me.

Slipping some socks on, I threw on my sneakers. Running into the bathroom, I quickly brushed my hair and teeth.

"Ready!" I yelled back to her as I made my way downstairs.

Once I reached downstairs, I grabbed a granola bar from the cabinet. Samantha grabbed her purse and looked at me.

"Coming?" She asked smiling.

Going with her, I entered her car. As I sat in the passenger seat, I looked out the window. We aren't headed towards Mark's house.

"You passed Mark's house." I told her.

"I know. I'm taking you with me somewhere else." She replied.

"Where?" I asked holding back the feeling of nervousness.

"It's a surprise." She answered.

Laying back in the seat, I wondered where we would go.

Lexi's POV

As I waited for Samantha in my room, I traced circles on my stomach with my hand. I was nauseous this morning and I was hoping for it to go away. Trying to get my mind off of it, I thought about other things.

I could abort the baby but I would never do that. It's mine and I will love it. I don't care what others think. Wait, I'm going to have to go back to school soon... crap. Ugh. Samantha said I was lucky enough to have time to stay at home until I would have to go back since it is summer break. I guess that's true but what will the other students think when they see me. They might know me from seeing me on the news or they might think I'm just another high school slut...

Hearing a knock on my door, I hoped it was Samantha or Janet.

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Janet." She replied.

I got up from my bed and opened the door.

"Samantha just got here." She told me.

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I replied.

Following Janet into the living room, I felt as if I could faint. I just hope she takes me away from all of this. This potential nightmare...

"Lexi, hey." I hear Samantha say.

"Hey." I replied.

Looking around in the room, I saw Linn, Michelle, Jessica, Astrid, and Danny sitting on the couch looking disappointed but my eyes fell towards my sister.

"ISABELLA?!?!?" I screamed and ran at her and grabbed her in my arms.

Tears streamed down my face as I held her not letting her go again.

"Lexi, let's go to your room to talk." Samantha said.

I released Isabella from my grasp but didn't leave her side. Walking with Samantha, Isabella was following right behind me. As I wiped the happy tears, we all went into my room. Sitting on my bed, Isabella sat beside me.

"So, what do you find dangerous about this place?" Samantha asked me.

"One of the sons... he has like anger issues... and he isn't very nice to me at all." I replied.

"Well, would you be glad if someone randomly entered your family?" She asked defending James.

"Well... I wouldn't call them a slut or a bitch... would you?" I asked her proving my point.

"Is James the only one to be rude like this?" She asked me slightly changing the subject.

"Well, except for Jackson. He dragged me with James to the house but later Jackson apologized." I answered her.

"Okay, and you want to leave this house... correct?" Samantha asked me.

"Yes... please." I replied.

We had talked for a while about the situation as Isabella sat beside me showing she was here for me.

"So, if you did leave... you would have to share a room with Isabella at my house... is that okay?" She asked me.

"Yes, that would be amazing." I said looking at Isabella who smiled and nodded her head.

"Okay, pack your bags... I'm going to tell them." She said.

Samantha left the room and Isabella and I were alone.

"Did he ever hurt you?" Isabella asked me.

"No, just rude words." I replied as I grabbed a couple outfits.

"You can borrow my clothes when you need them." She told me.

"Thanks... but I don't want to stretch them out." I said grinning and looking down at my stomach.

"Oh yeah... but I don't mind." She replied grinning.

Once I grabbed my clothes and some shoes, I shoved them into a bag. Going out of the room, Isabella followed me.

"What are you doing?" Penny asked me.

Oh gosh.... how do I tell a sweet little girl I'm leaving her forever...

"I'm going to stay with them... but I promise I will see you again. Okay?" I replied to her.

"Okay..." She replied frowning a little.

I smiled back at her and reached Janet in the living room.

"Bye." I told Janet and gave her a hug.

"Bye, Lexi." She replied.

Pulling out of the hug, I didn't bother saying bye to the others since I didn't really like then anyways. Going outside, I breathed in the air and felt free from them. Once we got into Samantha's car, she headed towards Mark's house.

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