Sisters : Chapter 17

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Lexi's POV

The men came toward me and one grabbed me. I saw Jazz run at the man but another man grabbed the leash and tied it to a tree.

"Where are we going?" I asked trying not to stutter.

"Building 3." One said in a monotone voice.

"Where is that?" I asked him getting nervous.

The man ignored me and held a tighter grip on my stomach. He kept walking out of the forest and finally I saw him walk towards a van.

"Let me go." I said calmly.

He ignored me and the second man opened the back of the trunk.

"No, please." I said as I felt a warm tear go down my cheek.

I kept the rest of my tears back and started to struggle in his grasp. Before I could get out of his tight grasp, he threw me into the trunk.

"Hey, be careful with her!" The man who caught me first said.

The man slammed the trunk and I looked back into the trunk. There was a man holding another girl about my age. She was crying in a ball when the man let her go and went into the front.

"Hey, it's okay." I said to her.

"No, it's not." She said in between her sobs.

I scooted closer to her and rubbed her back.

"What's your name?" I asked her.

"Isabella." She said.

My heart stopped at that moment.

"Who are your parents?" I asked her.

"Trina and Frank Varques." She said sobbing.

I was speechless... she must have gotten out of the house fire.

"How did you get here?" I asked her.

"I ran out of my house that caught fire and was stopped when someone grabbed me and brought me to their van. This van. And I've been with these people ever since. I just wish my parents were alive to help me." She said.

"This might sound crazy but your father is alive and is my father." I said.

She looked up at me and saw my brown eyes. I looked into her brown eyes and they looked exactly the same.

"No, how?" She asked confused.

"My mother kept the secret that Frank is my father. She found someone else to step in as "father". I was running from her because my mother set the fire." I said to her.

Her jaw dropped and she was so shocked.

"Your, I mean our father is alive. He thought you died." I told her.

"What about my mother? Is she alive?" She asked with a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

"I don't think so." I said feeling bad that I had to tell her the bad news.

I saw a tear escape the corner of her eye.

"It's okay. Frank will find us." I said as I brought her in a hug.

She hugged me back and I felt hope radiate off of her. Then she pulled out of the hug and looked into my eyes.

"So you're my half sister..." She asked me.

"Well yes, but you can call me Lexi." I said to her.

"Okay, Lexi." She said with a weak smile.

"So, where are we going?" I asked her.

"I don't know. They told me I'm being moved to another building." She said as her smile disappeared.

"Oh." I said.

"But, these men are not good people. They try to get money... and they have." She said as I saw a tear fall down her cheek.

"What do you mean?" I asked her confused.

"T-they sell you... then get you back and sell you to someone else... and so on." She said with tears shimmering in her brown and red eyes from crying.

I grabbed her hand and knew she has been through so much.

"I'm sorry." I said wiping a tear from her eye.

"It's not your fault. I just want to see Frank again." She said.

"You will, don't worry." I told her.

She gave another weak smile and laid her back against the side of the van trunk. I also laid on the side and she laid her head on my shoulder.

After hours of being in the trunk, it was getting bright out when the van slowed to a stop.

"You grab 18 and I'll grab the new one." The man in the front said.

The trunk opened and I wrapped myself around Isabella so we wouldn't be seperated.

"You gonna be in the same cell. Just get the hell over here." He yelled at me.

"Just let go. You don't want punished." Isabella said to me quietly.

Reluctantly, I let go and saw Isabella scoot towards the back of the trunk so a man could grab her. I followed her example and a man grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder.

"Cell 36." The man told the guy who was carrying Isabella.

The man nodded and walked toward a building. Looking around, I saw nothing around except other buildings that are identical. Damn...

"Hey, Derrin. Open cell 36." The man carrying me yelled to someone.

The man, Derrin, opened a door to a building and that is when I realized my fate. There were cells everywhere with two or three girls in each cell. Then, Derrin opened a cell and the man put Isabella in and then me behind her. Derrin closed the cell door and looked at what I think is the leader.

"Okay, write 18 and 24 on the board." The leader said walking away.

Derrin grabbed a marker and wrote the numbers on a board attached to the cell. After he left, I looked around at the other girls in the cells close by. They were all laying down or sitting in a chair quietly.

"Hey." I said to one of the girls sitting up in a chair.

She furrowed her eyebrows at me and looked shocked that I spoke. Then I felt Isabella put her hand over my mouth.

"Can I not talk?" I asked her quietly.

She shook her head. Great, I get to stay in this cell with everything silent.

Then the leader and a new man came into the building.

"Where is the new one?" The new man asked.

Then I realized... I'm the new one.

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