Texts and Names : Chapter 9

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Lexi's POV

He had me over his shoulder and brought me into his bedroom. Please no.

He plopped me down on his bed and gave me a evil/playful glare. I'm so confused.

"Don't rape me." I say blantly.

Frank looks at me like I grew 5 arms.

"I would never do that." He said.

I was relived when he said that.

"But I will do this!" He said.

He leaned down and started to tickle me.

"Oh gosh. STOP!!!" I yell trying to get out of his grip.

He kept tickling me and I felt as if I'm going to die.

"Please. Please. STOP!" I yell.

Finally, Frank stopped.

"Did you learn your lesson?" Frank asked me.

"Yes."I said as I rolled off the bed to escape.

I laid on the floor like a ragdoll from being so tired.

"You do know I won't hurt you." Frank said.

"You already have." I said to him.

"I know, and I'm sorry for that." Frank said looking down at the floor.

Not replying back to him, I got up off the floor. Looking over to Frank, I saw him pull out a phone and shake his head at it.

"Who's that?" I ask curiously.

"No one." He said.

"You aren't telling me... it has to be someone." I say.

"Nope." He says as he starts typing on it.

"Whatever." I say walking behind him.

As I walk behind him, I see him texting my number... reading the texts...

Give me back my daughter!

Oh my gosh. That is my mother...

Jenny's POV

Give me back my daughter!

I texted him and waited a couple minutes for a reply.

She is mine now.
No, she isn't.
You're right, she has ALWAYS been mine.
Please, give her back.

Deciding what to do, I decided to try to track the phone. Going to my car, I got in and pulled out of the driveway.

Finally, I arrived at the police station and got out. I walked in the door and pulled out Alexis's phone.

"I have this phone... can you track a phone number?" I asked the man at the desk.

"Um, yes." He said.

"Well Frank Varques... kidnapped my daughter and I need to know where he is." I told the man.

"Okay, let's see the phone." He said as I handed him the phone.

He grabbed it out of my hand, typed, did some computer stuff... then found it.

"He is in Fresno, California." The man said.

"Okay, so I need people to go find Alexis." I said to the man.

"Okay, hold on." He said before he disappeared in a door.

I waited for him to come back and he finally came back.

"We will call officers in California." The man said.

"Okay." I said as I went to leave the station.

I'm getting my Alexis back!

Lexi's POV

He was texting my mother!

I'm furious he won't tell me who, when I should know!

"Frank, who is it?" I asked him in a bitchy tone.

"Do you really want to know?" He asked.

"YES." I said knowing it was obvious.

"It's your mother, she wants you back. I can't let her take you away from me again." He said.

I guess I know why my mother didn't let Frank see me... because he is CRAZY.

"Why can't you just let me go?" I ask him.

"Because I love you." He said.

"No, you love Isabella. I'm not her." I said.

"You are Isabella!" He shouted.

"We all know I'm Alexis. You don't want or love me for me... you love me for Isabella." I said knowing I was right.

"That's not true!" He said.

"Then, why did you change my name?" I asked him knowing I caught him.

"Because, then your mother could find you easier." He said.

"No, it's because you are REPLACING Isabella with me, Alexis." I said.

Frank looked hurt by my words and uttered one word.

"Replaced?" He said realizing his mistakes.

"Yes, that is the truth!" I said storming out of the room.

I had to leave otherwise I would kick him again... or try something worse.

"Isabella... replaced." I heard him quietly say.

I kept walking knowing I just broke his heart. Good, he needs it broken... like when I lost my mother by Mike... my father.

"Give it up!" I yell to him.

Walking down the stairs, I heard footsteps come after me.

"Alexis." Frank said.

I was shocked he called me Alexis so I turned to listen to him.

"What?" I ask as I sit on a couch.

"I understand what you have been telling me now. Truthfully, I never meant to replace Isabella. I wanted to fill the void in my heart." He said.

"Okay, but I'm still mad at you!" I said.

"Yes, but everyone in the family misses her. You are included in the family." He said as I realized he is my father which... makes Isabella my step sister.

"Who is Isabella's mom?" I asked him.

"Trina." He said.

"Oh." I said as I saw a sparkle in his eye from a tear forming.

Sitting on the couch, I slump in it and think how to escape... but then I feel bad for Frank. But NO he beat me. I still have bruises... I HAVE to escape.

"Can you- uh- change my name back?" I asked him knowing it would help in my plan to escape.

"Yeah, I don't want Isabella thinking I replaced her." He said disgusted with himself.

I had a HUGE victory in my head but I had to keep it contained.

"Thank you." I said as I went up to go to sleep.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"Bed." I said as I walked up the staircase.

"Okay, have a good night, Alexis." He said.

When he said Alexis it made me smile...

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