On The Run: Chapter 2

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Lexi's POV

Waking up, I saw I was in a police car with two officers.

"She's awake." One officer said to the other.

I opened my eyes or should I say eye. One was swollen shut from the beating from my father. The pain in my face was excruciating. My jaw, cheek, eye, and just my whole face was pained and probably bruised.

"Did you get him?" I asked referring to my father.

"He escaped." The officer said.

"Where is my mother?" I asked the same officer.

"He took her with him." The other officer said.

Once I heard that, I felt warm, salty tears run down my pained and bruised face.

"It will be okay." One officer says.

"Who do I stay with???" I ask them after slowing my tears.

"We don't know yet." One officer said.

I heard those words and almost fainted. We pulled into a police station and I saw some police vehicles parked outside.

"Okay, come on." One officer said.

I got out and followed them in the station. They greeted some of the other officers and walked back to an office.

"Hey, Frank?" An officer said to the man working at the desk.

"Frank?" I mumbled remembering the texts.

I know there are other people named Frank but I have a gut feeling this isn't right.

"Yes?" Frank says looking up and meeting my eyes.

He quickly looked away from my brown eyes as if he had something to hide. This is the same man.

"Alexis here, needs to be able to stay somewhere and everyone else can't watch her until we find her mother." The officer says which frightens me.

"Oh, sure. I don't have to care for anyone else but me." He said smiling an innocent smile but I saw deep down he had an anything but innocent smile.

"Okay, great." The officer said.

"Here, you can come sit down over here." Frank said pointing to a chair in his office.

I knew I couldn't sit there so I made an excuse.

"Actually, I'm going to use the bathroom. I'll be right back." I said as I walked towards the bathroom marked with a sign hanging from the ceiling.

"Okay." Frank said as he went back to doing his work.

Walking down the hall, I entered the bathroom and I knew I had to run away from here. They would force me to stay with him. Looking around, I saw a small window at the top of the wall. I could fit through it and leave if I could get up there.
Looking around for anything to help me get up there, I saw a small table holding toliet paper and paper towels. I scooted the table over to the window, which wasn't too far and hopped on the table.

"Okay, now or never." I say as I open the window and felt the cool breeze hit my face.

I start to climb out the window and see I have to jump down or go back and be kidnapped. Deciding on jumping, I jumped and put myself in a ball trying not to get hurt. Luckily, I land on the ground with just pain on my bottom. Getting up, I see Frank leaning against the wall with a cigarette between index and middle finger look up at me.

"Hey, where are you going?" Frank yelled as I ran away from the police station.

Running away from the station, I run into a McDonald's. I see Frank running after me and I run into the bathroom while getting weird looks.

"Stop her!" Frank yells.

A man got up to stop me but I dodged him and got into the bathroom. I look around and get into a stall. Locking it, I hear the door open. I looked through the crack to find a woman.

"Um, why are you running from the police?" The woman says.

"He is a stalker and he is going to kidnap me." I tell her.

"Okay, how about we leave in my car?" The woman says.

"Sure!" I say quickly taking the chance to leave Frank.

"Okay, then you need to come out and come with me." She says.

Slowly, I unlock the lock from the door and see the woman.

"What is your name by the way?" I ask her.

"Janet. What about you?" She says.

"Alexis, but Lexi for short." I say smiling at her.

She opens the door and I see Frank at a booth trying to hide. I point in the direction to show her Frank is there. She just nods and walks that way. That's when I realized she isn't helping me... she is ratting me out. Knowing this, I run the other way and at the door.

"Alexis come back, I won't hurt you." Frank yells as he chases me.

Opening the door, a man stopped me and picked me up.

"Thank you." Frank said as he caught up and grabbed my hand.

"Hey, obey the law right?" The evil man that stopped me said.

"Totally!" Frank said.

Frank walked back to the police station with my hand in his. He was squeezing it so hard I thought it would break.

"That hurts." I yell after he squeezed it harder.

"I can't let you get away." Frank says maliciously.

We arrive at the station and walk in.

"You caught her? Wow, I thought you would never get her." An officer said.

I gave him a glare and kept walking with Frank. Finally, he let go of my hand and I saw it was really red and starting to turn a purple color.

"You can go home, Frank." Someone says to Frank which makes me even more terrified.

"Okay, thanks." Frank says as he grabs my now purple hand and squeezes.

"Aghhhhh!!!" I scream at the horrible pain.

"It's okay, I know." Frank says trying to pretend I was crying from my mother being gone.

No one cared that I was just screaming as a 40 year old man took me away.

"Okay, Alexis. Let's go."He said as he put me in the passenger seat and locked it.

I saw him go to the other side and I tried to unlock it but child safety was on. He jumped in the car and drove out of the parking lot.

"We are going to have a great time!" Frank says as he gets on a road with no one else on it.

He pulls over and I panick.

"Don't hurt me." I say.

"I would never hurt my daughter!" Frank says as he gets a rag from the back seat of the car.

"Please don't!" I yell as he puts it over my face and I realize I will never see my mother ever again.

Inhaling the chemical scent, I plunge into darkness.

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