Déjà vu : Chapter 33

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Lexi's POV

I've been here for a couple days and everyday I will play dolls with Penny. Every so often, Janet will come and play with Penny with me. I haven't really been hanging out with any of the boys just Janet and Penny. Everyday when I see Janet, she reminds me of Isabella. I miss Isabella so much and Jazz. I can't wait to see them again.

"Lexi!" Janet yelled barging in the door while I was laying in bed.

"What?" I asked confused.

"Nothing, I'm just bored." She said.

I looked at her with an expression that said "really?"

"What?" She asked innocently.

I shrugged my shoulders and rolled on my side. Laying down, I felt a little sick today.

"Are you okay?" Janet asked.

"Yeah, just tired." I replied.

"Uh, okay." She said.

We sat in silence until she spoke.

"Well, are you coming to breakfast?" She asked me.

"Uh, yeah." I replied slowly getting up.

Once I was up, I followed Janet to the kitchen. I could smell the scent of biscuits and gravy and it made my mouth water.

"Hey, Lexi. How was your night?" Astrid asked me.

"Good." I replied as I was handed a plate.

Janet looked excited to eat and I was too although I didn't show it. Jessica and Michelle were were serving the other kids biscuits and gravy while I stayed in the line. Finally, I was served my food so I walked to the table to sit and eat. Sitting down, I sat in a chair between Penny and Janet. I didn't want to sit by anyone else because I only made a connection with Janet and Penny. Also, I kind of had to make a relationship with at least one of them because technically they are my sisters by adoption. So, if you were wondering, yes they adopted me. I heard Isabella is still staying with Samantha but visits Mark, Josh, and Jazz often while Samantha goes to work. Lucky...

"How are they?" Jessica asked me sitting opposite of me.

I looked down at my plate to find it almost empty.

"Good, thanks." I replied giving a small smile.

I took another bite and looked over at Penny as she played around with the food on her plastic fork. After finishing my food, I went over to the sink to put my plate in it. When setting the plate down, I turned around to head back to my room where I spend most of my time unless I'm with Penny. Getting lost in my thoughts and not paying attention, I ran into something.

"Watch where you're going bitch!" James stammered at me.

Shocked at his language, I backed up a bit and he went back to the table. Once it was clear of James, I rushed to my room quicker than usual. After closing the door, I went into my bathroom and locked the door.

Why would he be so hostile towards me?
Would he actually try to hurt me?

My brain started making up the worst possible situations but was interrupted by a faint knocking. The knocking was on my bedroom door and I was hoping it was ANYONE but James. Ignoring the knocking, the door creaked open. Listening to what's beyond this door, I heard another knock but this time on the door that's locked.

"Lexi?" I heard Janet call out.

"Janet?" I questioned not for sure if it was Janet.

"Yeah, Lexi... what's wrong?" She asked.

Quickly, I unlocked the door, pulled her in, and locked it again.

"Lexi, What are you doing?" Janet asked confused.

"James, he was being hostile towards me and I have no clue why..." I said.

Sitting on the toliet, Janet sat on the side of the tub/shower. It reminded me of when Isabella and I spoke to each other. Kind of like déjà vu...

"What did he say or do?" Janet asked looking concerned.

"Well, I accidentally ran into him and he said to watch where your going... and used a word I don't want to say." I replied.

"Did he hit you?" She asked as she was sitting right on the edge of the tub.

"No..." I replied.

"Don't go near him again." She warned me.

"Why?" I asked curiously but also because I was terrified of what he would do.

"Because he will hit you." She answered.

"How do you know?" I questioned her.

"Well, he did the same to me before but I accidently bugged him again and he exploded with anger..." She said.

"You have to help me out of here." I replied.

"I can't..." She said.

"Why not?" I asked hoping I would get her to change her mind.

"Because, I just can't... I'm just going to warn you, don't go near him again." She warned me again.

"Can't you just give me the key to this window or-" I asked before I was cut off.

"No, I can't. I warned you... just don't go near him." She said.

Disheartened, I stopped asking. She got up from the tub wall and went to the door.

"Oh, and don't let James or Penny know I told you this." She said as she grabbed the knob of the door.

"Why can't I tell Penny?" I asked even though I wasn't going to tell anyone except maybe Isabella, Josh, or Mark if I could get ahold of them on a phone.

"Because, she doesn't really keep secrets well." She answered.

"Oh." I replied.

"Yeah, once, I told her the day before her birthday what she was getting for a present. She then ran around the house making a mess trying to find the gift. Then when my mom asked why, she told her that she was looking for the new doll she was getting for her birthday." She told me.

"Wow..." I simply replied.

She smiled then exited the bathroom. As I sat on the toliet's lid, I heard the bedroom door close.

What did I get myself into?

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