Dolls : Chapter 32

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Lexi's POV

The boys dragged me back as I laid on my back feeling every rock scrape my back. It was painful but not as painful as not knowing when I will see Isabella again.

"Get up." The mother demanded.

I ignored her and was let go by the boys. Janet was about my age and looked a little concerned for me.

"Get. Up." The mother demanded again but aggressively.

Hearing the mother say that, I started getting up and felt someone grab my arm to help me up. Looking up at them, it was Janet.

"Thanks." I replied.

So, I decided the mother is evil and Janet is the complete opposite.

"Let's go inside." The mother stammered annoyed by my actions.

Janet stayed right beside me as we walked towards the house. The father opened the door and I was too confused to comprehend what was happening. When walking in, I saw three other women sitting on the couch.

"Oh, is this Lexi?" One asked.

"Yeah." The father replied.

"Hi Lexi, I'm Astrid and this is Jessica and Michelle." The woman told me.

I was too enraged to talk to them... but I did wonder why they were there.

"We are all his wives." Astrid said.

That explains everything. This is a plural family. They must be Mormons and that's why they have so many kids.

"I will show you your room." Janet interupted.

Surprised, I followed Janet into a room with a wooden door. Stepping in, there was a bed on one side and a dresser on the other. A medium sized window was on one wall and another door in the corner of the wall. Walking over to it, I peeked inside. It was a bathroom with a toliet, sink, and shower.

"This is your room." Janet said still in the doorway.

I looked over at her but didn't respond.

"I will just let you be alone. I understand it is hard to take in." She said before she went out the door and closed it.

The room was filled with silence. Going over to the window, I went to open it but it was bolted shut with a lock. Not a very good sign. Placing my hand on the lock, I examined if I could break it or not. It would be hard to break it myself so I would have to use pliers or some sort of tool. Looking around the room for anything to break the lock, I couldn't find anything. Giving up on escaping out of the window, I went to the dresser. Opening the drawers, there were clothes that were about my size. They weren't really my style but I don't mind.

*knock knock*

"Yeah?" I ask to the person who knocked.

The door creaks open and one of the boys walk in. The boy that dragged me... Jackson.

"How are you holding up?" He asked kindly.

"Not like you would care." I say as I close the dresser drawers.

"I'm sorry about before." He said.

I ignored his apology and sat on the bed.

"Our family is going to have dinner later. If you want, I can get you something for lunch." He suggested.

"You mean your family. Not ours, your's." I replied.

"Lexi, now you are part of the family." He disagreed.

"No, I'm not. This is just a foster home." I argued.

"Okay, well I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to tell you this but I think my mother will adopt you." He spoke.

I looked at him with wide eyes not believing a word he says right now.

"Great, huh?" He asked.

"No, not great!" I stammered.

"Why isn't it?" He asked clueless.

"I'm never going to see my sister or my dog again!" I shout.

"You will, just not soon." He answered calmly.

"Do you have a phone? I just wanna call a friend." I asked him calm again.

"Uh, yeah sure." He replied and pulled a cell phone out of his pocket.

"Thanks." I replied.

As I started to dial a number, Jackson spoke.

"So, who are you calling?" He asked.

Who am I supposed to say? My mother? No, he probably knows that my parents are in prision.

"Just a friend." I replied.

Finishing dialing the number, the phone rang as I waited for an answer. It was taking long for an answer and I started to get worried he wouldn't answer but then he picked up on the last ring.

Hey, it's Lexi.
Uh, hey. Something wrong?
What is it?
I'm in a foster home away from Isabella and Jazz.
Um, let me go talk to my dad hold on.

I waited for Josh to start talking again as I saw Jackson walk out the door. Mentally, I had a huge celebration.

I'm sorry we can't do anything about it except let you see Jazz. We don't have power to have you be with Isabella because you are already adopted.
What? I'm not adopted.
You sure?
Okay, well call me anytime.
Okay, thanks.

I hung up the phone and got up from the bed. Walking through the door, I saw Jackson standing in the hallway talking to one of his siblings. Going over to him, I handed him the phone.

"Oh, thanks." He replied then went back to  his conversation.

I was walking back to my room but was stopped by Penny, the little girl.

"Hi." She said in a cute high pitched voice.

"Hi." I replied kindly.

She grinned really big at me for some reason. Weirdly, I'm starting to like this little girl.

"Do you want to play?" She asked me.

"Yes!" I said in an excited tone.

She looked so happy when I said that. Before notice, I was being pulled towards what I'm guessing is her room. The room had a toy box in it even though all the toys are on the floor.

"Here." She said handing me a doll.

The doll had brown hair and red eyes. It looked a little creepy but I didn't say anything. She walked over to a pile of dolls and picked the one off the top.

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