18 : Chapter 18

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Lexi's POV

"Where's the new one?" The man asked.

I looked at Isabella and I could tell she had fear in her eyes. She saw the terrified look on my face and then the man looked into the cell.

"Ahh... nice choice." The new man said as he scanned my body.

That's when I realized I didn't have a shirt. Isabella handed me her sweater and I quickly took it and put it on. The man gave me a look.

"Haven't you trained her?" The new man asked the leader.

"No, not yet." The leader said ashamed.

"Don't worry, I'll train her." The new man said.

"Perfect." The leader said with relief.

I was scared of the man but I didn't want to show any weakness.

"I'll start the lessons tomorrow." The new man said.

The man winked at me and smirked before he left. Looking back at Isabella, I saw she was still scared for me.

"Okay, tomorrow, you are going to be good and do everything he says!" The leader said to me before he left.

Once he was gone, I saw Isabella shocked.

"What?" I asked her nervously.

"That was the first man I was sold to." She said.

I walked over to her and gave her a tight hug. Then heard a door creak open.

"Where is 18?" One yelled.

Isabella had a look of disappointment in her eyes.

The man who yelled walked by and saw the sign.

"Which is 18?" The man asked more aggressively.

Isabella didn't say anything and neither did I.

"Lift your shirts." He said to us.

I looked at Isabella with a confused look until, she lifted her shirt. On her stomach there was a small sized tattoo of an 18.

"Okay, 18. Let's go." The man said opening the cell.

Isabella walked out of the cell and the man grabbed her arm. They walked over to the leader.

"I'm taking 18." The man with Isabella said.

"Okay... that's 1,200." The leader said.

"Can't we work a little discount?" He asked the leader.

"Fine, 900." The leader said.

"Deal. I'll bring her back in two days." The man said.

"Okay." The leader said.

The leader grabbed Isabella's arm and shoved a needle in it and gave her a shot.

After a minute, she slumped in the man's arms and became unconscious.

"Thanks. See ya in two days." The man said picking up Isabella in his arms.

The leader waved and went back to reading a magazine. What the hell?????

Jenny's POV

I woke up next to Mike and got up slowly. Calling the police station, Mike sat up in bed.

Hey, did you get any information from the bag and clothes?
No, we didn't find anything.

I hung up the phone and looked over at Mike.

"They didn't figure anything out." I said to him getting annoyed.

"We will find her." He said confidently.

I rolled my eyes and sat beside him as we watched TV.

Frank's POV

I was in the prision cell and I was getting nervous about not seeing Lexi in a long time. I needed to escape to save her from her mother. Looking around the cell, I saw a piece of metal sticking out from the wall. I started to pull it out and I felt it give a little. Then, it pulled out. It wasn't that big but it would do. I shoved the wire in the lock and started to open it. Then it opened.
Slowly, I opened the door and looked around. There was no cops in sight. Quickly, I went down the hall and went in a door. That's when I saw an officer beside the door.

"Huh?" The officer said into his radio.

"Oh, okay. I'll be there in a sec." The officer said.

The officer left through a different door and I went through the door. This is gonna take a while...

Jazz's POV

Yesterday those evil men took my master from me. I miss her and I need to find her. I started chewing on the leash and it took a while but finally broke. Good thing she got the cheap leash...

While running through the forest, I got ahold of her scent. Following it, it ended in a parking lot. I have to find Frank to get him to help me find her!

Running around the city, I smelt Frank's scent. Starting to follow it I was stopped at a prision. Then I saw Frank. Frank's eyes met with mine and he had a concerned look on his face. Quickly, I ran up to him and he grabbed me.

"Where is Lexi?" Frank asked me in a baby voice.

Ignoring the annoying baby voice, I jumped from his arms and ran. He ran and followed me.

Frank's POV

Finally, I escaped but then I saw Jazz.

"Where is Lexi?" I asked Jazz.

She jumped from my arms and started running. Following her, I hoped she would take me to Lexi.

Once she stopped, I saw we were in a parking lot. She must have been here last. She can't drive, she doesn't have a license. She must have been taken.

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