Memories : Chapter 24

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Lexi's POV

As I sat on the bed cuffed and thinking, I heard the sirens. That is the best sound I've ever heard.

"Jenny???" I heard Mike yell in the hallway.

My mother and Mike barged in the door.

"Why are they here?" Mike questioned me furious.

"I don't know." I lied.

Mike pulled a gun from his back pocket and that's when the police barged in the room with their guns pointed at Mike.

"If you shoot, she is gone." Mike said as he pushed the gun into my temple.

"Put the gun down." One officer replied calmly.

"Why?" Mike questioned.

"We'll shoot Jenny." An officer blurted out.

His eyes were full of rage.

"This is what we both want." Mike agrued.

"To kill your daughter?" The officer replied.

"No, Frank." Mike said stressing the name.

"Okay, then lower your gun. Alexis didn't do anything wrong. Remember we have Jenny." The officer convinced him.

Mike dropped the gun on the floor and officers rushed to him. Quickly, they cuffed his hands and a female officer walked over to me.

"Hi, I'm Officer Paula. Are you feeling okay?" She asked me while uncuffing my hands from the headboard.

"Well I feel sick." I added.

"Oh, okay." She said surprised.

"What?" I asked her confused on her expression.

"Nothing." She replied flashing a small smile.

I didn't question her after that and waited for my freedom from the bed.

"Thank you." I said to her after I was free.

"No problem, Frank is going to be here soon." She replied as she tucked the extra cuffs in her pocket.

Just hearing Frank's name got me excited. I've missed him and I want to be with him now.

As I imagined Frank's face, I heard the door open. Officer Paula got up ready to gaurd me like she is supposed to be.

"Frank!!!" I screamed and ran into his arms.

He squeezed me and I smiled into his chest. Finally, I was in the arms of a man who actually loves me.

"I love you!" I mumbled into his chest.

"I love you too." He replied smiling at me.

Looking up, Isabella walked into the room. Before she could stop in a spot, I ran to her and almost knocked her down when I jumped into her arms.

"Are you okay?" Isabella whispered concerned.

"No." I said feeling tears pour out.

She hugged me tighter and I could tell Frank was smiling just by the energy in the room.

"Well, the officer has questions for you two." Frank interrupted our moment.

We pulled out of our hug and looked at an officer. The officer nodded and we followed him out of the house. Seeing police cars, I also saw a truck which I'm guessing is Frank's.

"Okay, girls. We will take you to the station." The officer finally said.

Frank nodded and we got into the police cruiser.

"I'll follow you." Frank exclaimed before smiling at us and waving.

We waved back and smiled. As he walked away, the officer started the cruiser.

"So, how are you girls?" He asked us in the silent car.

"I'm good now..." Isabella answered.

"I'm fine just don't feel too good." I answered after Isabella.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He answered taking a left turn.

I gave a small smile even though he didn't see me. Looking back, I saw Frank following us in his truck.

"Are you okay?" Isabella whispered to me.

"No." I mouthed.

Isabella looked at me with regret.

"Did... you get..." Isabella whispered.

Nodding my head, I saw her whole heart just shatter.

"I'm so sorry, it's all my fault... I should have been there to-" Isabella was saying before I cut her off.

"It's not your fault." I mouthed to her.

Tears streamed down Isabella's face and I also had tears falling.

"Uhhh... you girls okay?" The officer asked confused by our sobbing.

"Yeah." I answered for Isabella and I.

He looked at me confused in the mirror but kept driving. Finally, we arrived at the police station.

"Okay, then." The officer said unbuckling his belt.

Isabella and I got out of the car as the officer held the car door open. Stepping out, I saw Frank walking towards us.

"Okay girls, over here." The officer directed us into the building and room.

Entering the room with Isabella, Frank followed us in.

"Go ahead and sit down." The officer said pointing to three chairs.

We all sat down but Frank was on the end by Isabella. Sitting on the edge, the officer was closer to me.

"Lexi, can you explain what had happened at the first building you were at. We have already heard about Isabella's experience." The detective said getting up from a chair.

The officer looked at me and gave a nod for me to speak.

"Well, uh... these men kidnapped me in this forest after finding out my mother was looking for me. They brought me in a van and I met Isabella... my sister, there for the first time." I replied looking over to Isabella.

Isabella gave me a smile and grabbed my hand squeezing it showing me to go on.

"And I was brought to Building 3... and uh... I was put in a cell with Isabella. They wrote 18 and 24 on the board of our cell which stood for our numbers. Isabella has a tattoo of a 18. Later on, Isabella was taken and never came back. In the meantime, I was brought to eat an apple and that's it. B-but... I also have a tattoo now." I continued then looked at Isabella's furious expression.

"Could I see this tattoo?" The detective asked.

"Uh yeah." I said and lifted my shirt showing the black 24.

"Okay, thank you." He replied and looked back at his notepad.

It was silent until the detective broke the silence.

"So, did the men also rape you?" The detective said to me blantly.

I thought of those words and memories of it flooded my mind. The memories were overpowering my mind until Isabella shook me.

"Oh, um yeah." I said relieved Isabella shook those memories out... literally.

"Okay, we are going to send you both to the hospital to do some tests." The detective replied.

I knew what that meant and Isabella looked at me. We looked into each other's eyes hoping for the tests to turn out well.

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