Reunion With Jazz : Chapter 36

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Lexi's POV

While driving to Mark's house, I couldn't wait to see them again. Hopefully Jazz doesn't try to knock me down...

"We're here." Samantha said as she put the car in park.

Once the car was turned off, I got out quickly. Looking at the door, I saw Mark and Josh. Where's Jazz?

"Lexi!" Josh said as I got to the door.

He pulled me in a hug as if he is relieved I'm here right now.

"Hey, Josh." I said to him and smiled.

He smiled back and that's the moment I realized he has feelings for me.

"Hey, Lexi!" Mark greeted me.

After we all greeted each other, I was starting to get anxious on why Jazz wasn't around.

"Where's Jazz?" I asked them as we all sat in the living room.

"She has been all depressed since you left. She usually lays in my room on my bed and hardly ever leaves it." He replied.

Hearing that broke my heart...

"Can I go see her?" I asked Josh.

"Of course... she is your dog." He said getting up. Once we entered the hallway to where no one saw us, he grabbed my hand and led me to his room. My heart was beating fast partially because he is holding my hand and also because I'm going to see Jazz. He grabbed the door knob and opened it. Jazz was facing the wall with her back to the door. She didn't even flinch when the door opened.

"Jazz." Josh said softly.

Jazz pushed her head into the blankets and didn't look at him.

"Jazzy..." I said softly.

Her head popped up.

"Jazzy, baby..." I said again.

She jumped off the bed and came towards me. Jazz started to bark will joy and lick my face as she jumped up and down with excitement. Looking over at Josh, he looked amazed at how she was acting.

After a minute or so, Jazz calmed down and sat beside me.

"That's really surprising that she is off the bed." Josh said to me.

I smiled knowing that she was up because of me. Going out of Josh's room, Jazz followed me down the hallway. Once we all reached the living room, I saw Isabella talking to Mark.

"Woah, I haven't seen Jazz so happy." Mark said looking down at Jazz who was sitting by my feet.

I pet Jazz on her head and she licked my hand.

"Samantha left?" I questioned Mark.

"Yeah, actually until you are adopted you are both going to stay with us." Mark told us.

"Oh, that's great." I replied looking over at Isabella.

Isabella smiled and nodded to agree with me.

"Here... let's sit." Mark said to everyone.

He guided everyone over to the dining table and we all followed and sat in the chairs. I was sitting between Isabella and Josh as Mark was standing.

"I'm going to grab something I'll be right back." Mark said as he left the dining room.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I whispered to Isabella and stood up.

Isabella nodded her head and I pushed my chair out from the table. Jazz quickly also got up and followed me to the bathroom. Once I reached the bathroom, I started to close the door until Jazz started whining as she was trying to open the door.

"Come on." I told her and opened the door for her to get in.

She quickly got in and I locked the door. After using the bathroom, I started to not feel well but I washed my hands and left the bathroom with Jazz anyways. Once I reached the table again, Mark was setting out cards for everyone.

"What are we playing?" I asked him.

"Crazy Eights." Mark replied and finished dealing the cards.

I sat on my chair and grabbed my cards. I felt Jazz sit on top of my feet and she laid down.


"I told you!" Isabella bragged.

"Cheater!" Josh told her joking around.

"It wasn't my fault I was given three eights!" She replied smiling at Mark.

I rolled my eyes at the childish conversation they were making.

"Guys, it's just a game." I told them.

"Well, Josh is just being a sore loser." Isabella replied smirking.

"Actually, you are being a sore winner!" Josh said back laughing.

I could see the look of regret Mark had in his eyes that he had started the game. The whole situation was just too funny.

"Well, uh... how about we watch TV?" Mark suggested probably so Isabella and Josh don't tear each other apart playing another game.

"Yeah, good idea..." I replied for them.

Mark smiled at me as if saying thank you. I gave him a little nod and we all headed to the couch. As I got up, Jazz freaked out at the sudden movement. She got out from under the table and looked around for any danger.

"Dang, I swear that dog is too smart!" Isabella said as she saw Jazz scouting out the house for danger.

I grabbed her collar and gently gave it a tug to show her I'm going to the couch. Sitting down, Jazz hopped on the couch and laid down. As Josh turned the TV on, Jazz rested her head on my lap. Josh sat on one side of me and Isabella on the other.

"I'm going to head to town to get some things. Does anyone need anything?" He asked looking mostly at me.

I shook my head and they did the same. He smiled at us and headed out the door. Looking at the TV, Josh had The Walking Dead playing. Laying my head on Josh's shoulder, I felt my eyes fall.

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The book should end soon... in 5 chapters or less.

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