Leaving : Chapter 37

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Lexi's POV

It's been a couple months at Mark's house and trust me... it is very hard to do things I used to do. I'm officially eight months today. Later, Samantha is picking us up so we can go to a family who has decided to adopt.

"Isabella!" I yelled for her.

"Yeah?" She asked in the other room.

"Can you help me with this?" I asked her.

In a couple seconds, Isabella came into the room and grabbed my bag I had packed.

"I'm going to put this downstairs. Can you take Jazz outside?" Isabella asked.

"Yeah." I said and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

Shoving the phone in my pocket, I went into the living room to let Jazz outside. Reaching the living room, Josh was sitting on the couch watching TV. Letting Jazz out the door, I followed her out and sat on the porch. Watching as cars go past, I saw a car with people I know from my school. Crap.

"Slut!" One guy yelled out his window as they sped past.

Jazz barked and growled at the car but knows better than to go after the it. The guys at my school are complete assholes. They don't care to ask why I'm pregnant but just assume I'm a slut. It's annoying but I'm used to it now. Public schools talk about anti-bullying but never do anything when they see it.

"Come on, Jazz." I told her and she came to the door.

I opened the door, stepping in after Jazz.

"Lexi, Samantha is going to be here in like five minutes." Isabella told me.

"O-okay." I replied.

"You okay?" Lexi asked as she held a bag in her hands.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told her.

"Okay..." She replied and left.

I looked on the couch and saw Josh looking over at me.

"Why are those guys assholes?" He asked sitting up.

"It's fine." I told him.

"No really..." He said refusing to be left hanging.

"Well, they make fun of me because of..." I said and pointed to my large stomach.

"Oh, well ignore them they are just assholes who have nothing better to do." He replied and smiled slightly.

I smiled at his remark and sat beside him.

"You know Lexi, you are a special girl and you shouldn't have to put up with that." Josh said smiling slightly as he kept his glance on my eyes.

"Thanks..." I replied awkwardly feeling my cheeks get hot.

He smiled and Isabella came over to me.

"Let's go... Samantha is outside."  Isabella said and grabbed the bags by the door.

Getting up, I grabbed Jazz's leash from the table.

"Jazz!" I called for her.

She came running and was quickly by my side. Hearing the click from the leash, I held the loop.

There was a knock on the door but was stopped by Isabella opening it.

"Hey." Isabella greeted her.

"Hello, did you need help with that?" She asked looking toward the bag in her hand.

Isabella had nodded and Samantha took the bag from her. As she walked with Samantha to the car, I looked over at Josh.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye." He said looking down.

"We will see each other again..." I replied.

"Sounds good." He said and came closer.

He wrapped his arms around me and it took me a minute to realize he is hugging me. I returned the hug and looked into his eyes. Smiling, I moved away and to the door.

"Bye." I yelled.

"Wait." Mark yelled back.

I saw him turn the corner and come to me.

"If you ever need anything, you or Isabella, call me." Mark said handing me a note.

"Thanks... bye." I replied to him.

"Bye Lexi." He said.

Going out the door, I lead Jazz to the car. Opening the door, I signalled for Jazz to hop in. After she hopped in the back with Isabella, she took a seat in the middle. Getting in beside her, I closed the door.

"Ready?" Samantha asked me.

"Yep." I said and Isabella agreed.

She started the car and we left the driveway. Soon, we were driving on a main road.

"So where is this family?" I asked her.

As she spoke about the family and where they are located, I pet Jazz.

"Oh cool." I replied.

As we drove down the road, I looked out the window watching as birds flew in the cloudy blue sky. Jazz sat tall in the seat and licked my cheek. Wiping my cheek off, I scratched her head.

"So, how was your stay with Mark and Josh?" She asked us.

"It was good." Isabella replied.

As Samantha kept asking questions, Isabella would answer them as I kept my focus in the outside.

Can I just jump out of this car?

As thoughts filled my mind, I tried blocking out the morbid ones though they kept coming back.

I'm just going to jump.

The only person who would care is Isabella.

Why can't my family be normal and loving?

I can't... it wouldn't be fair to my child.

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