Broken Rules : Chapter 20

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Lexi's POV

Waking up, I had a huge headache, pain in my stomach, and a scratchy feeling on my stomach. Lifting my shirt to see the scratch, I saw a small tattoo of a 24.

"Like the tat?" The evil man who is supposed to train me said.

Shooting him an evil glare, he gave me an innocent smile.

"Hey, it's business." He said throwing his hands up in defense.

Not answering him, I rubbed my head.

"Take these." The man said handing me some pills.

"How do I know they aren't poison?" I asked him suspiciously.

"Damn, you catch on fast." He said giving me a smirk.

He took the pills back and walked away from the cell... for now. As I waited in the cell, I saw the red, swollen tattoo. It will be a reminder of this place every time I see it.

"Hey, 24. Let's go!" The same man yelled as he walked over to my cell.

As he walked to my cell, I looked into his eyes. They were filled with no emotion. It is like he has no heart and that scared me.

"Okay, come on." He said as he opened my cell door.

I walked out of the cell door and he quickly grabbed me by my waist picking me up. He got me in his grasp and carried me down the hallway towards a door where Isabella had gotten a shot. Once the door opened, I saw the man that caught me in the forest.

"Hello again, 24." The man said as he opened a book.

Giving him an evil glare, the man set me down but in the process grazed some bruises making me wince a little at the pain.

"Well, aren't you a little fiesty." The man told me.

I kept my evil glare on him and he started to mock me. That just sent me over the edge.

"Fuck you!" I raised my voice at him.

"Didn't you hear the rule, no cussing yet?" He asked me.

"No, I didn't know these assholes had dumbass rules." I said cussing just to pick him off.

"Do you need to be taught a lesson?" He asked me like I was a little kid.

"No, but you need taught a lesson on manners. You know NOT kidnapping people and selling them!" I yelled at him.

"Take her to the room." He said shooing the man who carried me.

"Is that the place that I'm going to teach you all a lesson on respect?" I asked him.

That statement slipped out and I bet they are going to try to make me regret it. The man who carried me picked me up again and walked down a different hallway.

"You do know I can walk right?" I asked him.

He rolled his eyes and kept carrying me. They really do need a lesson on manners...

"Go." He said as he set me down and opened a door.

The room had a huge cage in it. It stretched to both walls and had a bed in it.

"Get in there." He said pushing me.

I gave him the same evil glare that I have the other man and walked in. I looked over and saw a small bathroom but it only had a toliet and sink.

"I'll be back." He said opening the door.

He walked out the door and I sat there in confusion. After a while, he hadn't come back so I sat and laid on the bed. Feeling my eyes fall, I fell asleep.

Looking around, I saw a strange man walking towards me. I couldn't move... I looked at my hands and they were cuffed to a bed's headboard.

"Oh, 24..." The man said as he reached the end of the bed rather quickly.

"Get away from me!" I screamed at him as he walked to the side of the bed.

"But that wouldn't be any fun... would it?" He said to me.

Giving him an evil glare, he mocked me then winked.

"You're a perverted asshole!" I yelled at him.

"Well, 24 is going to need some training... huh?" He said as he put his hand on my thigh.

My thigh spazed out a bit then became calm.

"Nervous?" He asked me.

Giving him another evil glare, he got on the other side of the bed and curled up next to me.

"Get the hell off me!" I yelled again.

"What are you going to do about it?" He asked.

I went quiet knowing there was nothing I could do...

"That's what I thought." He said as he grabbed my waist.

Slowly, he grazed his hands down and started to undo my button on my pants.

"Stop!" I yelled but he ignored me.

I was forced to sit there while he did
as he wanted.

Frank's POV

I was in my vehicle with Jazz and all of a sudden I get a call. Answering the call, it was the police.

Hey, this is the police. We have got a 911 call from an Isabella Varques.
Okay, I will come.
Alright, bye.

I then started toward the police station even though it could have been a trap. When they said Isabella, it gave me hope.

Finally, I arrived at the station and they took me into a police car and drove to Isabella.

"Sir, we know you escaped from the prision."They said.

"Okay." I said knowing what would happen.

"Well, after this we are taking you back." He said.

"Understood." I said as they drove farther.

As he drove, I thought of Isabella and her beautiful face. Hopefully, she is okay and not hurt. I just love her so much and it pains me to think she is or was in pain.

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