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Why are you laying in bed or on the couch Scott comes and lays behind you. Where Scott can wrap his body around yours.


Snuggle-up in bed you slip your head under the crook of your Stiles's arm, with your head touching his or her chest so you can feel and listen to his heartbeats. Helps you feel secure, protected, and cozy. Occasional kissing on the forehead.


Derek lays on his back and you lay with your head on his shoulder where he brings you into a hug why his hand on your back you or on your side guy lay the way for hours just talking about the day's event.


Isaac sits in the corner of the couch and you come and sit next to him where he brings you closer where your body is smashed together while gently rubbing your hip. This is how cuddly way most nights watching TV or a romantic movie together where you normally fall asleep on his shoulder while watching the movie. Normally ends in him carrying you to bed.


Jackson loves it when you are sitting on the couch and you put your head on his lap where he can play with your hair and look into your eyes you offer to lay this way watching tv or staring into each other eyes


You like it when Aiden laying in the bed you normally come running up and jump right to the top of him then he wraps his arms around you.  Then you put your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat. It normally heads up in a trickle fight and you normally end on the floor in fits of laughter.

Sorry not the best chapter

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