How he makes you cry

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Scott: When the two of you get into a fight about him not needing your help to fight the evil thing that comes into beacon hills.

Stiles: When you were training at lacrosse and he accidentally hit you with a ball. He felt awful after did everything to make you feel better.

Derek: He surprises you with a holiday to a place where you always want to go.

Isaac:  He made you cry when he said goodbye to you when he was leaving to go to Paris. He made sure he Skype you every day.

Jackson: When he forgot your One year anniversary. 

Aiden: When he told you he want to meet and be a part of your family.

Liam: When he forgot to pick you up for your date and stay in to play video games with Mason.

Theo: make a negative comment about how you dress. After he said it he truly regret it and try everything to make it up.

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