Ways you say goodbye

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Aiden:  He gives you a kiss and a hug and walks you to the door and kisses you once more and then you say goodbye to each other and he stands at the door watches you get in your car and waits for you to drive off before he goes inside.

Scott: He always assists on taking you home to make sure you get their safety he walks you to your door gives you a kiss and a hug and then you say goodbye and waits for you to walk inside he always waits a few minutes to make sure you don't need him for anything

Stiles: He always wants you to say never wants you to go home he can't bear to be without you by his side. So he normally walks you home and ends up staying at your place or you just stay at his place you don't care either way as you love spending time with him.

Derek: He drives you home and goes into your place first and checks everywhere to make sure it is safe for you. When it's safe for you he lets you in and says call me if you need no matter what even if it is to kill a spider with that he gives you a kiss and walks back to the car.

Liam: He walks you out to your car and before you get in he kisses you and hugs you when you get inside your car you wine the window down for one more kiss then he stands there and watches you drive off.

Issac: He is normally always at your place so you always walk him to the door and he gives you a passionate kiss like it is the last time he is going to ever see you and when he walks out the door he smacks your ass and says goodbye my love and walks away smiling.

Theo: It is normally quick and simple he is always in a hurry because he never wants to leave you and waits until the last min to go somewhere before he is late so he kisses you on the cheek and says goodbye.

Jackson: You walk him to his car hand in hand he kisses and hugs before he gets in and whispers in your ear how much he loves you. Then gets in whines down the window and says goodbye.

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