Scott cousin

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"Finally your here what took you so long". Scott said as we walked through the door of the Vet Clinic. I just held up my cup of coffee. "thanks" Stiles says as he took the coffee out of my hands. "hay give that back you don't need any caffeine trust me". "hay just give her the coffee back" Derek said as he walked through the door. You turn around and said "Hale" "Y/n" Derek said as he came up and gave you a hug. " wait up how do you know my cousin," Scott said to Derek. "We go way back," I said to Scott "why do you think I was always helping you even when you didn't want it," Derek said to Scott. I looked at Scott and Said, "when I found out what happen to you I asked Derek to watch out for you".  "So she the reason you won't leave us alone," said Stiles. Then Scott introduced you to everyone. Everyone this is my cousin y/n. Hey, guys, you said Scott turn and looked at you and said "I filled them in while you were getting coffee". "Ok if I have to deal with a bunch of teenage I need my coffee you know," you said looking at Scott. "So how is she meant to help us she looks like she wouldn't hurt a fly," said Liam as I just glared at him and said do you want to show you". With that Derek came in and stood in between you and Liam and looked at Liam and said trust me she'll kick your ass trust me I've seen what she capabale of doing and it arent pretty." So she can kick your ass then". Said stiles to Derek "yes," said Derek rather quickly. "ok that's enough," said Scott looking at his freinds. With that lydia came in and run up and gave me a hug and said" wow haven't you change you dont look like the girl who I want to be when I was younger". "You look like just how I was". I said "What happen to you one day you were the girl everyone wants to be with you turn in to that," she said pointing to derek who just gave her a smirk. "dont get me wrong you still look hot has F**ck she said. " people just change," I said I didnt want to get in the whole thing with her.

You all sat around a table and started to talk about how and what they have tried to kill oni before.

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