Theo for Lea

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Walking in the hallway of school with y/b/f/n when Stiles comes running and taps me on the shoulder from behind "hay Lea Scott told me to remind you that there a pack meeting tonight at his house" he said almost out of breath and just then the bell rang. "Crap i'm going to be late again for gym coach is going to make me his bitch better get there" Stiles said as he run of toward the gym. Me and y/b/n was about to walking in to class then Theo walked pasted and said " see you tonight at the pack meeting" he said with a grin ear to ear. You just gave him a small smile and walk into you class and looked at you friend and said" i cant stand him he only thinks of him self" as we sat down in our seats. Y/b/f/n said "You secretly in love with that bad boy you just don't know it yet". I looked at her a said" not even if he was last person on this plant". "people can change" she said just as the teacher told us to be quiet as the class was about to start.

After the pack meeting

Theo POV

"wow Theo hasn't taken his eyes off you all night" said Kira to Lea "I think Theo has a little crush on you Lea" said Lydia. Well I don't date bad boys who only care about themselves"  Lea said to the girls. I i have to show her some how that i'm not the guy she thinks i am  i was thinking to myself when Scott came up to me and said " looks like you have a little thing for another member of this pack huh?" "i don't know what your talking about" i replied to Scott. "i have see the way you been looking at her since you came back to down" he said "ok you got me i like Lea but she hates me" i said to Scott. "Your have to show her your not a bad guy everyone  thinks you are" he said.


Later on that week

There are this new group of werewolf in town Scott wants all of us to go and meet them and to see what they are doing in Beacon Hills  and tell them that we don't want any trouble. So we walked into this old rusted out shed where a group of werewolf about 30 off them Scott when up to a huge looking man which must of been the pack leader and raised his hand out to shake the other guys hand the guy just stood there with his hands cross Scott said" hi i'm Scott and this is my pack" at this point the other pack and gather around us in his hug circle. I was started to freak out a little at this point as been apart of this supernatural thing was still new to me. Then Theo came up to me a whispered " you need to clam down i can hear you heart betting fast from over there and don't worry i wont let any of these  guy touch you". At the point i gave him and smile  and tried to slow my heart beat and Theo stood there right next to me. Then the alpha of the other pack said to Scott "so what us to not hurt or cause trouble in this town" Scott said "yes if you cant do that then i think with would be the best if you leave your town". "Well leave your  town if she comes with us" he said as he was pointing at me. At that point a group of werewolf came up and grab me and then Theo said "take me instead and just leave her alone". Scott  said No one is taking anyone so let her go" he said the a growl and flashing his bright red. It was enough to scare the guy that had a grip on me to let me go at that point Theo grab my arms and pulled me behind him in the middle of our pack who was now around me.  Scott scream at Theo and said" get her out of here and keep her safe and well take care of this". With that Theo said "follow me" has he grab me by the hand as we ran out of the building it was long until we notice Derek and Argent run into the shed to help out Scott and the rest. I was tired of running i had to stop m leg would go any further Theo looked at me and said "come we need to get you way from here"." We had run far enough place i don't think i can run and more". i said to Theo  At that point he told me to "be quite at that someone for the another pack must of follow us" at the point two hug werewolf grab me from behind. "Let her go" Theo scream has he turn in to full werewolf. "Sorry Dude can't let go of  lover girl the boss has taken a liking to her and the boss get want he wants" they said. "Don't this time" he said as he started to flight the other guy and they go of me he told me to run. So i run all i could her a growling and a lot of banging and screaming. Then it when quite and a could just hear "Lea  Lea Lea its me Theo your safe now." So i turn around and walked back to the were i thought i could hear Theo and then i could see Theo barley walking over to me with blood everywhere and he was holding his stomach. Once he saw me he fell to the ground and ran over to him and sat next to him and said" Are you okay i need to get you some help". "'im fine" he said "you don't look find to me" i said as i tried to clean him up." Don't worry about me i can heal and plus are okay they didn't hurt you did they" he said "no i'm fine" i said at that point Scott came around the corner and look at Theo and said "Dude we need to get you back to see Deaton so he can fix you". Scott looked at me and said "are you okay" " yes im fine" I said back to Scott. Scott and Liam help Theo back to the car and we drove back to the vet in silence once we got there Deaton was ready to see Theo and put him on the table and asked everyone to leave so he could fix Theo has i was about to walk out the door  the Theo asked Deaton" if it was okay if i could stay" Deaton said "it  fine as long as i don't  get in the way". So i stood next to Theo and said "how can i make this up to you for saving my life" i said has i touch his shoulder he grab my hand and look me in the eye and said "by going on a date with me when i'm all heal so i can show i'm a nice guy too." " well since you save my life and all i think i can do that". I said. For the rest of the time he was getting fixed we just stood there holding his hand. After Deaton was finish he looked at me and said "he need rest now i have more patients to see do you think you could watch him" I looked at Deaton and  looked at Theo sleeping on the bed and said "sure". I said. I sat in the chair next to the bed on my phone updating the guys then Theo look over at me and said" can you come and cuddle with me". "Sure " i said as i took my shoes off and walked over to the bed and looked at Theo and said "Big spoon or Little Spoon" with a smile He said " big spoon" . So i just jumped into bed and fell a sleep with Theo hugging me.

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