He realizes he has feelings for you

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Sorry it's the best might come back later and update I hope you enjoy it and if you have any requests let me thank you


I and y/n were sitting on the couch just chatting about school and life. I was sitting there looking at her while she was talking about her day. I was just sitting smiling like an idiot. I started thinking to myself, omg her smile is so cute all I want to do is kiss those lips, crap I think i really like this girl. Then she looked at me and said "earth to Scott everything okay" which make me snap out of my daydream


"what are you doing," Scott asked "just checking to see if y/n has texted me," I said "you just check like 30 times in the last half hour," Scott said "no I haven't" I replied " bro sorry to say but I think you really like her," Scott said, "I think you might be right bro," I said with a grin. thinking to myself omg I really think I'm in love with her.


Y/N and Isaac were practicing their fighting when she had Issac pin to the ground. All I could see was Issac saying "okay you won this time". I could be more proud of her at that moment. I thought to myself that's my girl shit wait a sec she, not my girl well she's not my girl yet but she well me soon I said to myself smiling. "what is smiling for" Issac said "because y/n just kick your ass now give me 100, y/n well done your free to go" I said.


Y/n was staying here while her parent was out of town. I walked into the kitchen to see y/n with her handphones on singing and dancing around the kitchen I just lend up against the door frame and watch her. Started to think about how much her goof little stuff she does makes me smile and laugh and how much i love be around her and how much i want to be around her. "how long you been there" She said. "long enough" i said with a smile.


Y/n was standing there giving Stiles a hard time about who know what i could help but stand at my locker watching them and watching Stiles face as y/n would say something to him. Watching y/n smiling knowing how much she is driving Stiles insane, right at the point i realized how much y/n was the right the person for me.


Y/n was at school to day so i when around asking all her friend if that had see her or hear from her. They all told they haven't her from her so i tired to text but she didn't get back to me so i tired call her she didn't answer. So i walked out of school door "where are you going in such a rush" Ethan to and said to me " i haven't her from y/n and she not answer my calls or text so im going to check up on her" i said " you got it bad for her bro" Ethan said " so what if i do" i said ask i walked out the school and got my bike to drive to y/n place


Mason, y/n and me we sitting playing video games in her room. Y/n had won the game so she got up and started dancing and screaming ha haha your loser to Mason. Y/n when done to get us some snack when I looked at Mason and said " i think i really like y/n" i said. He looked and me said "finally realized that" "what do you mean" i said " i realized that you like her weeks ago just waiting until you did" he said


Me and y/n have know each other since we were little kids. I think the first time i started to think that i had feeling for her was when y/n and Tracey started to flight i put myself in the middle of then and throw Tracey off her and said to her "Don't you every thing about touch y/n again or your'll have me to tell with" "what do you like her or something" Tracey said " i just looked and her and said "that has nothing to do with you trust me even look at her the wrong way you gone" i said.


I was in at School talking with my mates about the game then was coming up against Beacon Hill" i couldn't to go and kick there ass" i said "the only thing you can't wait for is to see y/n " one of my mates said " come on we all know that you like in love with her or something" the other one said " No i am not" i said "of course you not that why we have only hear her name like 500 times in the last 3 day" another one said "okay okay maybe i do" i said

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