Issac see you cry for the first time

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Just made a few small changes

Pretty much you were over everything this week I've had worst week of  your life. You name it and it happen to you this week and you couldn't wait for it to end. Jackson was having a party you thought it might cheer you up but on the plus side got to see Isaac and you had the biggest crush on him ever since you moved to this shitty town the only good thing about this town apart from your friends . Only made things worst when you saw the man of your dreams dancing with this Sl*t from school do you decide to go home  because just couldn't take it anymore and before you fell into a complete mess. You walk outside and started to walk home until all i could hear was" y/n" i couldn't handle to be around anyone right now so i keep on walking as fast as I could and tears started to roll down my cheek "y/n wait please it's me Isaac". So i wipe the tears from my face and turn around to see Issac has finally  catch up to me. "I didn't know your were coming" he said' I shouldn't of came i shouldn't stay home or any where else but here" i told him trying my hardest not to cry. "I didn't regonzied you". You look beautiful by the way". He said "Thanks i would rather be in my sweats and eating ice cream" i said. "Guys want to know  if you wan to come back to Derek place" he said. "Maybe another time" I SAID. "they told me not to take no as an answer they know you been having a shitty week" he said. "Okay can you give me a few" i said as tears rolled down my cheek once Issac saw that i was crying he hug me and asked me" if everything was okay"." I told him i didn't want to talk about it and to "just to go back inside and ill be there in a min". He said "no i rather stay with you and we don't have to say a single word" has he wiped my tears away with his finger and then hug me again. I said though the tears that" you really do like to hug don't you". "i only like hugging you and I'm not going to stop hugging you until you stop crying i don't care if it takes all night or all year". About half hour me crying like a little baby all i could hear" hay wants going on here" from the girl that was dancing with Isaac earlier that night ." For me to know and you to never find out" Issac said with a devlish smirk . Then all i could hear was "y/n" so i wiped my eyes on my arm and turned and and screamed "Stile" lucky it was dark and no could see my red buff eyes. "You look cute has a button" said Lydia    "looking good y/n "said Liam "thanks i guess".  The person that was dancing with Issac was there staring at she didn't seen to please to see me a Issac hugging so i turned and whisper to Issac "Is that your girlfriend". He just laugh and said "no noway". I looked and said "she looks like she wants to rip my skin off". Stiles turns and whisper "she got the hots for Issac"." Ooh okay now i get it" so i keep on hugging him which he didn't mine as he didn't stop hugging me. "This party blows let get of here" Stiles said they all said okay so i started to say bye then they looked and me and said your coming at that point Stiles pick me and put me in his Jeep on Issac lap then got in next to us and said "this going to be fun plus i don't like her i think your perfect for Issac". He whispered Issac just smiles at you.

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