Meet your brother for the first time

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Stiles: Your brother came to visit you and you were showing him around and you went off to get you both coffee. When you came back you see Stiles and your brother talking. So you run over to make sure your brother doesn't try to kill Stiles for saying something stupid. Your brother looked at you and said "do you know this Idiot" " Yes this boy you call an idiot it's my boyfriend Stiles" you said. "A least he is not a werewolf," your brother said Stiles just looks at you and whisper in your ear "how does he know about werewolves and stuff". "Yes, his best friend is a werewolf so he is a bit like you and Scott," said with a smile. 

Isaac: You walked hand in hand with Isaac to Stiles's house when you saw your older brother sitting down talking to Scott and Stiles. You let go of Isaac's hand and ran over and gave your brother the biggest hug. You drag your brother over to where Isaac was standing and said "Isaac i would like  you meet my big brother". "hi" said Isaac "Hello i've hears a lot about you Mr Lahey hurt my little sis you better start running " your brother said to Isaac while  flashing his red eyes to Isaac. "Your brother is a werewolf, not just a were but an alpha," he said. "That's right he's another true alpha just like Scott," Stiles said with a grin.

Scott: Scott you and the pack were out on a hunt looking for the new creature that had just come into town. When you hear Derek yell "found it" you all run to where Derek was and all you see was Derek and Isaac fighting with a were-leopard but something about it you recognized it was your little brother. You scream for them to "STOP" but they didn't listen to you so you throw Derek and Isaac off your brother and looked at them and change the color of your eyes and growled at them. Scott just looked with a blanket look at you and you said: "leave him alone he is my little brother if you want to hurt him you'll have to go through me first." With that, your little brother turns back into a human you run and hug him and said: "Everyone I would like you to meet my little brother".  "What are you Why didn't you tell us ?" Stiles said "how can I tell you this we are were-leopard," you said. Everyone just waves with their mouth wide open in shock at the fact that you were a were-leopard and that they have no idea.

Derek: You were walking your dog with your twin brother talking and laughing at the stupid jokes he was trying to tell. When Derek can up from behind and grab your shoulder and you turn around and said "hello babe" "Don't hello baby me what's going on here" Derek said" I don't know what you are talking about" you said "Who this" Derek said pointing to your brother "omg Derek Hale is jealously over my twin brother" you said trying not to laugh. "Your brother," he said "yes she is my sister," your brother said. With that he shook your brother hand and said "sorry mate I'm a little overprotective sometimes". You giggled and said sometimes.

Jackson : your only child

Aiden: ( Aiden meets your sister)     You and your sister were out shopping when you saw Aiden and Ethan and the shops. You try to run up behind Aiden and yelled "boo" in his ear but before you are about to say boo he turns around grabs you by the waist and says "boo" "what are you guys doing here" you said "Trying to buy my beautiful girlfriend something pretty" he said "you girlfriend must be the luckiest girl alive to such a sweet boyfriend like you" You said and kissed him  "get a room" you hear your sister say. Look at her and said "Aiden Ethan this is my sister" you said. "Nice to meet you we will let you get back to shopping" he said with a sweet smile "bye," you say and with that you gave him a kiss and when on with your day.

Liam : You, Scott, Stiles and your brother where all playing video games. When the doorbell rang and Stiles scream "Y/N your love boy here" you got up and answer the door and walk into the room with Liam. Your brother looked at Liam and said: " so you're the werewolf who stole my sister's heart." Liam just looked at you then looked at your brother and said "hello" and" one more thing just because your werewolf doesn't mean I won't rip your heart with my bare hands if you hurt her in any way" your brother said. "come let finish this game y/n" said Stiles   and with that, you both sit down next to each other any play video for the rest of the night. With your bother giving Liam the evil eye for half the night

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