Liam Part 2

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Family Car

what you love about him

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what you love about him

That he willing to do anything to help you no matter how big or small it maybe


You were trying to help me but kidnapping me 

Thing they gave you that you love

Thing they gave you that you love

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Picture on his home screen

Picture of you in his lacrosse jersey

who you are and were you meet

Scott Cousin

how you meet 

You were staying at Scott house and you were in the shower when you heard someone knocking on the door and they didn't stop so you thought it must of been your auntie who must of forgotten her key or something as she was in a rush to get out the door so you grab your towel and wrapped it around yourself and walk down stair to answer the door. Once you open the door there was a boy there with his mouth wide open. You realized you were in your towel so you hid behind the door and Said "how can i help you".  "MMM is Scott told me to come and get you and take you to them" he said  "ok give me a sec" you said so you ran and got change when you got back he was still standing at the door. You looked at him and said "I'm ready." "I'm Liam by the way" "hi Liam i'm Y/N and with that you both walked off together to meet Scott.

his name on your phone you name on his phone

his Kissable Your Monkey man

what of his you like to wear

His Lacrosse Jumper

Morning text you send him

WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP or your'll  be late for school i cant wait to see you hurry up PLEASE Hurry

Morning text he send you

I'm wake and cant wait to give u the worlds biggest Hug and kiss Missed holding you in my arms last night 

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