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Back story you were visiting your cousin house Scott and you best friend  as Scott has a huge crush on him and you knew  that he also liked her but they both both shy to tell each other. So you took it in to your own hands and decided to do it your own weird way.

Derek had take my phone off while i was at the pack meeting tell me that i need to pay attention to the plan and not my phone. Finally after the packing meet was over Derek hand me my phone and i walked up to my room. I got 100 text from my Bff


y/n be Nice

i mean it, be nice


Where are you women


what are you doing why aren't you answering me


 be Nice

i mean it  you better be nice to my further husband and his mates


 where are you


If you don't answer me now i'm going to call your brother and talk dirty to him


Looking for my phone


Found my phone


Walking to my Phone


Pick Up my Phone


Going back to my bed


Dialing y/b/n number


Its ringing


Hay don't let me stop he'll enjoy that he always had a soft spot for you your'll make his year


OMG Bitch what took you so long


Chatting and being nice to your friends and Derek too m phone


what a d**k hows Scott


You didn't tell Scott that i have a crush on him did you


Not yet but i can if you want me to they in the room next door to me.

(Okay now i think its time to give her a ring. So i stop texting her a rang her)

me: HELLO b/f/n

BFF: Hello bitch

Me :so i though i would tell Scott how much your in  love with him

BFF : you wouldn't dare

Me: wouldn't i try me

Me : got of my bed, walking to the door, turning the door handle, Opening the door, walking out of the door, Walking to the boys door, about knock on the boys door

BFF :  Stop what ever you are going to do

me : opps to late i just knock on the door and can hear foot steps

BFF : just ran and hide go back to your room

me: to late Issac and Scott and Stiles are staring me in the face with some dumb ass looks on their faces

( at this point I PUT her on speaker so she could hear everything. )

BFF: keep your mouth shut women

Me :Sorry 

S : what do you want y/n we are trying to figure out stuff

Me: Hi Issac and Stiles I just come to tell you some thing really important Scott

I : what is so important that could wait until morning and who are you talking too

BFF: keep your big mouth shut

Me: It just B/F/N I have something to tell you and it can't wait until the morning Scott

Me: Y/b/ n Has a huge crush on you she has since the first time she saw you and i don't know why she woud

BFF: And you have a huge crush on Issac

Me: Well who could blame me those eyes are to die for and that smile who would blame me

( Stiles and Scott giggling in the back ground why Issac was just smiling at me)

BFF: omg you bitch did you have me on speaker all this time

Me : No only like 5 mins ago

BFF : so they are listening now

Me :Yes

BFF : i really hate you right now

Me: love you too

BFF: Your lucky i do bye

S: Why would you do that your bff

Me: she dare me to and we both know every dare me to do anything.

With that she hung up on me Then i turn and said "ill let you get back to stuff". i said. I could over hear them talking when i was walking back to my room. "Scott do you think i could as your cousin out" said Issac "sure if you don't want to see tomorrow" Scott said Stiles said "i can tell she your cousin she weird like you".

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