Scott for Ali

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There is a boy I really like but there is only one problem with that he is one of my best friends we have been best friends since I was 5 years old. The only person who knows about it is Stiles my other best friend. 

I was sitting in my room waiting for Stile to come around and help with our History project and of course, he running late like always.  I decide to start without him I just got out my laptop and lay on the bed.  When Stiles comes running into the room and plotted himself on the bed " sorry I'm late " he said "let me guess your car broke down once again did you have enough duct tape to hold it back together" I said "I didn't need duct tape this time" he said "I'm sure you used the whole role didn't you" I said. "So when are you going to tell Scott that you are secretly in love with him and have been for years," he said with a smirk on his face. " When you get a new car so let's say ever," I said, "How about I help you come up with a plan to help you out," he said, "how about no" I replied, "too late I'm thinking of a plan and when I know I feel you in," he said "Whatever Stiles we need to get some study done our this teacher will give us a D and I don't want to be in his class another year," said so after that we go out study done.

The next day at school Stiles thought it was a good idea to put his plan into action but he still hasn't told me his plan yet so I started to get a bit worried about what this plan could be. Then he texts me Meet me out on the field. I started to walk out to the field thinking what the hell is this boy planning as I got to the field and I saw  Scott standing there so I walk up to him and smile and said: "Hello what up where Stiles he just text me and told me to meet him here ".  "I don't where he is I got the same text as you". Scott replied. Then out of nowhere Stiles walked up and said so I bet you are both wondering why I have both of my best friends here" he said I just looked at him and said "what do you want I have to meet Lydia like in  5 mins to go back to here place to study for mid terms" I said.  "I have to meet Theo I needs to tell me something" Scott said "I don't care what Theo has to say this is way more important than anything he has to say" he said looking at a Scott. "And I told Lydia I'll drop you off at her place later and she cool with it" he said. "Well then what is that you need to tell us" Scott said "Well one of my best friends has been hiding something from the other one and it has been me" he said.  Then Scott looked at me and said "What have been keeping a secret" I said " mmm it doesn't me" "I can hear your heart beating like no tomorrow". He said "shit stupid werewolf senses I said to myself. " Well what is it you can't tell me your best friend since we were 5," he said and he grabbed my hand and walked me over to the table where we said down. " I can't tell you it might ruin our friendship I can't stand not to have you in my life," I said "Nothing going to ruin our friendship he said. " Are you sure you really want to I know, "I said" Yes you can tell me anything," he said as he held my hand. Well here goes anything I thought to myself " Scott I'm in love with one on my best friend." I said as I looked down at the ground "You're in love with Stiles," he said "No I'm in love with you" I whispered. It was all quiet he didn't was saying anything and all I could think was omg I have just lost one of my best friends great. When I could feel his hand touch my check and then he moved my head up so I could look into his eyes and he said " your not the only one I have been in love with their best friend I loved you since I first time saw you all those years ago" he said. As he kissed me it felt like the earth had stopped moving. After the kiss he looked at me and said" I love you Ali" "I love you too Scott I said Then we turned to see Stiles doing his happy dances then he looked at the both of us and said "see my plan worked and I didn't need to go with plan B". Scott looked at him and said "what was plan B". "You never know" he said With that we walked off hand in hand back to Stiles car.

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