Your Flight with Scott

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You both have been so busy lately with school and doing pack stuff which you didn't mind a least you got to spend some time together even if everyone was there. You both agree to make some time for each other so you can spend it together and go on a date which you haven't been on in a while and which didn't involve the gang. You agree you'll go see the fireworks at the local fair. That night there was a pack meeting you decided not to go to because you want to get ready for your date and he said he catch you up on want happened in the meeting. You both agreed it would be easy for Scott to meet you at the Ferris wheel at 10. You arrived at the Ferris wheel and waited for Scott. You were a little early so you deiced to go get you both a hot chocolate you when back to the spot you were going to meet Scott. You wait and waited and keep checking your phone to see if he called or even a text you. You wait for about an hour and Scott still was a no-show you try to call Scott but he didn't answer so you called Stiles to see if everything was okay as Scott wasn't answering his phone. Stiles pick up within a few rings "hi Stiles is Scott with you" you said, "yes he's here with the rest of us watching a movie where are you why aren't you here with Scott" he said, "I was meant to be on a date tonight" you said, "with who Scott here" he said, "With someone who obviously doesn't care about me like I thought he did" I replied and all I could hear in the background was Scott saying "That Y/N give me the phone" "Stiles do not you dare give him the phone" You Said " I'm sorry Y/N he said "I'm so so so so sorry Y/n I just forgot " Scott said " You forgot a date with your Girlfriend, what eva Scott thanks for putting me last again" you said with a tear in your eye. "Look I'm so sorry I'll do anything to make it up to you he said "I'm coming to you now where are you," he said, "Just forget it, and maybe while you are there you should just forget me since you can't seem to find the time for me anymore." You said and with that, you hang the phone up and walked home crying. On the way home, it started pouring rain. Once you arrived home soaking wet you see Scott waiting for you on your porch. He came up to give you a hug and try to give you his jacket. You turn and told him "don't f***K touch me" "Look I'm sorry I just forgot," he said "That sound about right you forgot a date with your GIRLFRIEND" you yelled at him. "Please forgive I need you I can do this without you," he said with a tear in his eye. " You should have thought about that before you forgot our date, Scott". YOU said "I do anything to make it up to you," he said, "I'm going inside goodbye SCOTT". you said as you pushed past Scott trying not to show him you were crying.

Let me know if you want me to do a makeup one

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