Stiles for Kasey

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I have a secret i need to share with you guy that not many people know this about me i am mermaid yes that right i said i am mermaid. Okay so i have 2 legs when i'm on land but as soon as i go into the water my legs turn into a beautiful blue green glitter fin that sparkles in the sun it is so pretty (tail). I love it i get to send most of my time in the water when i'm not at school trying to act like a normal teenage girl. I also very lucky that we live right next to a lake were me and my family do most of our swimming.

Finally school had finish i couldn't wait to get home and spend the summer swimming int he lake. There was a cabin across the lake which no one was ever there but this summer you noticed a boy from your school was staying there with some of his friends.  One day you were out swimming in the lake for a while when you noticed some guy from cross the standing on the pier alone over the other side of the lake looking out over the water. Shit i better stay out of sight i don't need anyone know our family secret. I drove under the water and swam out of sight where no one can see me then i looked back at the pier and noticed the boy wasn't standing there any more i didn't think much of it until you called hear " HELP HELP" you looked around and saw the boy was now in the water drowning . You didn't think twice you swam over to help him at that point he went under the water. So i dived under the water and drag him back up and swam him to the banks of the river. I tried to swim away before he could noticed me but it was to late. "were did you come from" he said "i was just swimming" you said trying to hid your tail so he couldn't see it. "no i didn't see you out in the lake" he said "How about you just thank me for saving your life" i said. "shit sorry thank you for saving my life I am Stiles by the way i think we go to school together your in my maths class" he said " anytime Stiles i am Kasey" You said. "How about i take you out for coffee as a thank you for saving my sorry ass" He said as he grab your hand and pulled you out off the water on to the banks were your tail was splashing in the water. He just stop and just looked at you " you have a tail do you know that" he said " of course i know i have a tail i wasn't born yesterday." you said. "but you go to our school and i'm pretty sure you have legs i think i would remember someone with a tail" he said "yes i am a mermaid so i pretty much i have legs on land and a tail in the water". You said " Wow that pretty cool" he said "please don't tell anyone" you beg him "one condition" he said "what" you relied "let me take you out for coffee and ill keep your secret" he said "okay deal just let me go get dress meet me across the lake in 10 mins" you said as you swam away. 10 mins later you hear a knock on your front door and you run down to get it and you saw Stiles standing "Hello there my little life saver you ready for COFFEE" he said "Yer i'm ready but i didn't think your'll come i thought i may of scared you with the whole mermaid thing" you said " As if mermaids would scare me mermaid is pretty cool so now I know a mermaid and werewolf " he said "werewolf" you said he grab your hand" come on ill tell you more about it" he said. With that you both walked off hand in hand until you got to his car he opened the door for you then he jumped in and you both drove off to your coffee date. Were you just talking about everything?

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