Drunk night out with your Brother (Stiles)

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You and your brother who was in town for the week decide you both need to go out and catch up on old times so you head to the local bar.  About 6 drinks in some girl asked Y/b/n to dance and off he went to dance with this chick and i didn't see him for the rest of the night. Lucky for me i meet up with couple friends from collage so we drank a lot and dance a lot and chatted a lot. I said to them" i better go find y/b/n" so off i when to look for y/b/n them i got a text from him saying find your own way home going home with this chick great he left me alone for some dumb chick so i text him back  i don't wanna be call aunt just yet. Great how the hell am i going get home now. I had way to much to drink and i swear if the next guy offers to take me back to their place I'm going to punch them in the face i through to myself. I left bar start to make my way home the i got a call from Stiles .

Stiles : Hows your night going don't drink to much

Me: way to late for that 

Stiles :Having fun

Me : why the hell did i wear this stupid shoes

Stiles : Dont take them off your hurt self

Me: Shhhh i'm superwomen didnt you know

Me: if one more guy ask to to me home with them I'm going to bitch slap them

Stiles: be careful i dont want you to get hurt where is your brother he meant to me looking after you he promised me he well keep u safe

Me: dump me for some random chick so he can make me aunt

Stiles: what are u on about women

Me: Gone back to some chicks house

Me: I hate these shoes

Me :OPPS they fell in the river looks like they have gone for a swim

Me: Stiles Stiles where are you Stiles

Stiles: yes babe

Me: don"t call me babe that's name of a pig

Stiles: Do you want to call you then love

Me :I need another drink can you bring me another drink a red bull and vodka would be nice

Stiles:I don't think you need another one  where are you

Me: why are you going to come and bring me a drink i got no shoes

Stiles: stay where you are i'm coming to get you

Me: no its fine i got this covered

Stiles: How are you getting home

Me: i got two leg last time i checked and a heart beat yep still beating

Stiles :Stay where you are i'm coming to get you

Me: only if you bring me a drink 

Stiles: yes ill bring you a drink are your at the club

me: No im at the river next to club i think i might for a swim i feel hot

Stiles: STAY WHERE YOU ARE DONT get in the water

Me: YEs mummy

Stiles POV

Stiles and rest jump in the jeep and drive off looking for you.

"Y/n y/n y/n where are you it me Stiles the boys come to take you home" i said. Issac "found her she sitting next to river" he said to me. "SHHH you scare the little fishes" she said to him with a sad look. Then out of nowhere she came running up to us a gave us one big hug each." Nice to see you are had a good night y/n" Scott said "The night still young you only live once" She said as she started to dance around. She looked so cute dancing around like no one cares. At that point I put my arm around her waist trying to walk her back safely to the car." WAIT i lost my shoes" she sang. "y/n you throw them in the water". I said "Ohh so they are swimming with the fishes" "yes ". "Come  lets get you home" Liam said "No i don't want to go home i need food please" she said. "Yes  anything to get you in the car" I replied to her. So she started to run and sing that she has lost her shoe and all i and the lads could do was Laugh has she was jumping around with no shoes on. I run up to her and asked her if she want a piggy back ride since you have lost her shoes after about 5 mins of standing there she said "ok" so she jumped on my back and off we when back to car. We drove though some random drive thou and she order so much food im not sure where she going to put it. On the way home we were eating your food for some reason y/n was eating ice cream a fries together. All on the way home  y/n was sing on the top of her lungs was that she had lost her shoe over and over. One we arrived back at her place she pretty much fell out of the car so i help her up once she was up she was off running around like a mad man sing or should i say screaming at the top of her lungs.

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