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Scott : When your out in public Scott happy to hold your hand and give you a kiss on the cheek but when there anyone looking you  he make sure they know your his buy you kiss on the lips or playfully smacking you bum.

Stiles: Love PDA doesn't care who watching he happy walk around with his hand around your waist with his hand in your back pocket and you do the same. Kisses you when he wants. He wants the world to know that you are his and his only.

Derek: Isn't not into PDA at all but when he see someone looking at you he makes sure they know that you are his girlfriend  buy hugging you kiss you and giving them the glare.

Isaac : He will hold your hand or give a fun pig back ride where you kiss him on the cheek or you both just mess around and have fun.  Until he see some one look at you he'll smack you bum and grab your hand and walk away.

Jackson: He holds your hand and doesn't let go until he see some one looking at you and then he lets go a walks up to them and say " That's right she all mine so keep your eyes off" and then walks back to you and full on turns into a make out session.

Aiden: He hold you hand, hugs you kiss you in public he doesn't care who around. When someone looking at you he hugs you and looks at the other person so they can see and mouth "Hot right she mine sucks to be you". Then you both walk away and you normal smack his bum.

Liam: You normally walk with your arm around each other waist and hold each other close. When someone looking you. You grab Liam arm before he can go out to the person and pull him into a hug and whisper "let it go i'm all your remember".

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