Meet Scott's cousin Issac's POV

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Issac POV

 We all walked into Scott's house when he sense someone other than his mum inside " wait here until I see who it is" Scott said as he walked inside He was gone a while so we went in to see what was happening when we walk in and saw Scott hugging and talking to some chick. She looked to be a few years older than us. I turn to Stiles and asked, "Who's that chick talking to Scott". "That Chick would happen to be Scott's cousin y/n". Then she turned looked at Stiles and said to Scott "so I see you're still friends with Stiles". "what do you mean I'm his bro" Stiles says. Then Scott says "can you guys give me a second I need to talk with y/n alone for a sec". With that Stiles and I walked upstairs" what's up with Scott's cousin y/n I've been living with Scott for a year and I haven't seen her or heard of her before". "let me just put it this way she used to be nothing like us, she was the popular girl and the hot girl at school" said stiles "So was she even hotter then Lydia" I asked, "no one hotter then Lydia but she was up there".  "Well she doesn't look like one of those girls now," said Issac. "Well here dad die trying to save her from some creature and then she when from the popular girl and turned into a girl vision of Derek," said Stiles. "So she when from popular girl to badass girl". I said.  "yes she turn into a badass girl who wanted nothing but to kill the thing that killed her dad," said Stiles. " I think badass girls are hot," I said

Then Scott walked out with his cousin "Issac this is y/n" "nice to meet" I said "hi" she said with a small smile and a wave "and you know Stiles" Scott said "So did you kill the thing that killed your dad" Stiles said, "Yes I did". "So why are you back then you said you're never coming back". Said Stiles "I called her we need her help with oni she killed one before," said Scott "When did you Kill one," Stiles said looking at her "Who do you think killed my dad you dumb ass," she said with a stern look on her face.  "come on Stiles I know you have missed me kicking your ass in a video game so stop with the 101 questions". She said "Okay I may I missed playing video games with you Scott sucks at them," Stiles said.  "okay let's go a meet the other," said Scott as we walked over to Stiles's car "You still have this car how much duct tape holding it together," She said looking at Stiles "Shh don't speak about her like that" Stiles said in return. "I'm not going in that death trap ill take mine car," She said. Stiles started to look around and said "I don't see any other car here that your sorry ass could afford".  She point over to a Lambo and said "that's my car" "is that want sort of car you get for being a badass chick" I said rather stupidly and regretting the words that came out of my mouth at that second. She just looked at me and gave me a weird look and said "no that's what you get when your family comes from money". "OKAY," I SAID "Issac you go with y/n and show her the way," Scott says "okay" I said as I follow her to her car.

 We got in the car and she looked at me and said: "where can we get coffee from on the way it's changed a bit since I was last here".  I gave her directions to the local coffee. We got out and walked into the coffee shop and there was my ex-girlfriend sitting in the corner with her new boyfriend y/n must of sensed something was wrong and she looked up at me and said " is everything okay" "MMm no ex-girlfriend over there with her new boyfriend that's all" I said scratching the back of my head. She looked over at where they were sitting and smiled and wave at them as there were looking at us and said "wow you go for the girly ones don't you" then she grabbed my hand and said "how about we make her regret that she dump you". she said.  With that, she put her arm around me so I put my arm around her and pulled her into a hug and we walked up and order coffee and walked out holding hands, and when we walk out pass them she turn and said "I just want to thank you for dumping  Issac because he mine now".  she said as she smacked my bum and we walk out the door to the car and drove to the vet clinic where everyone was waiting for us to arrived.

PART TWO well be done soon.

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