Meet your brother friends

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My brother had some friends stay over but i didn't care much i just got of a long ass flight and i jet lag as hell all want to was sleep. Once i woke i was really need something to eat and it early no one was up so with my headphones and started to dance with not a care in the world i started to make the waffles. I got lost in the music i started to sing and dance around the kitchen. Until i bump into something so i look up and seen 4 faces looking at me with dump smiles on there face so i took my headphones off and gave them a weird look.

"nice dance moves" one said

"How may i help you" i said

"you brother said to come in a tell you to make more waffles as we are growing man and we need to be feed" Another said

"so it takes 4 boys to come in a tell me that one thing" i said

I was about to say make them yourself your got 2 arms 2 legs and heart beat them my dad walks in the room.

"hi sweetheart i see you meet your brother friends so be nice" said dad

"okay" i said"

"Okay since you are all standing there with dumb grin on your face lets play a game and let me guess your names as you have told me". I said as i was trapping my finger on my chin

"don't you know who we are has you brother tod you about us." one said

" i have no F***ken idea who you are and i don't really care who i might be" i replied

"i'm hurt" said another with a cheeky smile one his face

" Your a big boy your'll get over it" i said

"so are going to let me guess who you are or not...... took to long to answer, OK my guess is you are Thing one, Thing 2, thing 3, thing 4" I said with a smile on my face pointing to each one off them.

"y/n what did i just tell you about been nice to our guest" dad said sternly.

"Sorry Dad i forgot how to be nice i must of left my manner behind when i left Australia would you like me to go back and get them" I Said

"Sorry about my daughter she one of those girls you either love her or you don't" dad said looking at the 4 boys

"Hay i'm right here dad plus if i had feeling i would be hurt right now" i said

" sweetheart but its true and your very lucky that we love you sweetheart" dad said

"That's just me you can't have it both ways" i said to dad

" we would have you any other way" dad relied

"so boys any ways want may i call you apart from thing 1, thing 2, thing 3 and thing 4" i said look at these 4 boy who are trying not to laugh after my dad told me off.

"im Scott" said the Mexican looking one

"Im Stiles" said the one in checked shirt

"Im Issac" said the tall one

"Im Liam" said the youngest looking one

"nice to meet you all i guest" i said as i put the waffles on the table and just then my brother came in. " look sleep beauty has woken" i said to him " i guess you have meet my lovely twin Sister he said as he started to shovel waffle in his mouth.

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