Meeting Brett Part 2

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After you finally found your way home you could wait to talk to your parents and go to bed.  You walk inspecting to see  Derek at the table waiting for you, but he wasn't anywhere you could see he was probably doing whatever Derek does. Knowing Derek he was probably training so you when to your bedroom, after all, it had been a big night and you want to Skype your parent to tell them how the game when after you had finished talking to your parents you hoped in the shower put your hair up in a rather busy bun your go-to hairstyle the throw on your favorite hoodie and your PJ pants and jump almost out of your bed when you heard your phone buzzing.

Unknow:  hay is this Y/n 

you: who wants to know

Unknow: its Guy who let you win

You: Sorry i know what your talking about

Unknow: It's Brett the guy who kissed you in front off ever one

You:  sorry i dont know anyone by that name

Brett: Funny arent you i just letting you know I let you win the game

You : YOU let me win the game, don't think so sweetie 

Brett: Aww you just called me sweetie

You:  How may i help you Brett

Brett : just making sure you gave me the right number

You : now you know i did so leave me alone

Brett : Send me a picture 

You sat there thinking whether or not to send him a picture or not as you were in your PJ's  with crazy hair but you send him a picture of you doing the weirdest face you could do. 

Brett: im going to put that on as screensaver on my phone

You: If that makes you happy go for it i dont care

Brett: Done best screensaver i had in a while

 you: you need to prove to me that you are  BRETT 

Brett : Shirtless or shirtless

You:  dont care just send a picture you pick

He sends you a picture of him shirtless laying in bed 

Brett: Did you get 

You: yes so it his the boy who likes kissing girls in front of the whole world

Brett : girls sorry i only kissed  a girl and it wasn't the whole world it was just our school and maybe some teachers and parents even if  the whole world  was watching ill still kiss you 

You: cute but you need to try hard then that pretty boy

Brett:  you call me pretty

You: shut up no i called you a pretty boy any ways have to go bed a girl like me need as much beauty sleep has I can get and plus I'm sure there other girls that would love you to betexting them right now.

Brett:  you don't need any sleep as your beautiful just the way you are plus your the only girl i want to be text

You: I think I just throw up a little just than any ways nice talk gotta sleep 😴

Brett: ill  pick you after  school try not to dream about me

You:We will see about that  and if I did dream about you it would be call a  nightmare  night

Brett:  night Sweet Dreams see you after school

Part 3 coming soon 

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