How Theo Surprised you!

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You and Theo have been dating for about 2 years now. When your parents got a new job offer oversea.  You didn't want to go with your parents as you didn't want to leave your friends and most of all you didn't want to leave the love of your life Theo behind. But there was no getting out of it no matter what you did to try a convince your parents otherwise to let you stay they weren't haven't a single word of it. So you and Theo decided to try and give this long-distance thing ago. You spend every moment you possibly could with him until it was time for you and your family to go you both promise each other that you would come to visit each other as much as you possibly could Theo said once everything dies down in Beacon hills he come and find you no what it takes so you could be together again.

Will it be about 3 months since you have more away 3 months without Theo you Skype you called a text pretty much most of the day.  Every time you got off the phone with Theo you were in tears and it broke your heart because he was here without you how much you missed him you didn't think it was going to be this hard.  

It was the last day of Uni and you were on summer break for a few months and you couldn't wait you were going back to see Theo in a few weeks you could wait to see him and your friends as you missed them like crazy and it has felt like forever since you got to wake up with Theo next to you. 

When you were getting ready to sit down and have a movie night with your family which you did every couple of weeks as in family time as your mum put it you noticed you were the only one in your comfy clothes (track pants and Theo Hoodies). You asked your parents why they were all dressed up where they were going and did they forget about movie night. They said going out tonight with that you heard a knock at your front door Your parent got it and said goodbye You were just left standing there like an idiot wondering what the world was going on with your parents they never missed a family night. Then you hear your dad say sweetheart it's for you as they walked out the door. You walked to the door to see Theo standing there with a suitcase in one hand and flowers in the other you were in total shock you just stood there with your mouth wide open and he said well aren't you going to let me with that you run into this arm and give him the biggest hug and kiss you could. After that, you both walk inside and you were about to ask why he didn't tell you he was coming but he stop you half sentence and said I miss you and I could go another day without having you in my arms. With that, you both walked inside and sat on the sofa and just talked about everything. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2022 ⏰

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