How you meet Scott for sciras_daughter

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This was a request from sciras_daughter I hope you enjoyed reading it 

You just finished having a flight with your parents over your grades. They weren't bad grades they were mostly B's but I guess that wasn't good enough for your parents. They want their daughter to be a straight-A student and be on the honor roll. After all the yelling was done by your parents you storm out of your house and slam the door behind you. You put your headphone on and started walking you had no idea where you were going you just walked and listen to your music and kicked rocks on the ground. Then you looked up and found yourself at the school so you sat in the bleachers and started to play with your phone until you could feel someone looking at you. You looked to see there were two boys from the lacrosse team looking at you. So you just smile at them a keep on playing with your phone. Until someone came up and tap you on your shoulder. So you stop what you were doing and took off your headphones and look up at the person and said  "how many I help you" "your Sky aren't you" he said "Yes last time I check I was Sky how can I help you" you replied "We have History together I'm Stiles and you see my friend over there he had a crush on you since the 7th grade he what to know if you'll go out for coffee with him" Stiles said "You can go tell your friend if he wants to go out for coffee to come and ask me himself " you said. With that, you put your headphones on and when back to playing on your phone. You looked up to see Stiles talking to his friend giving each other their bro handshake and then he started to walk over to you. You just looked back down at your phone thinking to yourself omg Scott McCall knows who I am and smiling on the inside. You feel someone sitting next to you and gently touch your shoulder, so you took your headphones off and look up and smiled. "hello I'm Scott" he said rather nervously "Hi Scott I'm Sky" you said with a sweet smile. He said, "I know you sit in front of me in History". Then you started to talk about your history class. Then Scott said, "I hope my friend didn't say anything too stupid to you before". He said why scratching the back of his neck. "Nah he didn't say anything stupid only thing he really said was that you had a crush on him since the 7th grade," you said "he got a big mouth," he said "He is your friend you wouldn't want him any other way," you said with a grin. "your right," he said. " Don't worry I had a crush on you since the 7th grade also?" you said looking down at the ground thinking to yourself shit why did I have to say that out loud I really need to think before I speak sometimes. He touch my shoulder as I looked up I saw Stiles giving Scott two thumbs up. "Hay Sky why didn't you say anything sooner," Scott says. You looked at him and said," for the same reason why Stiles hasn't told Lydia that he is madly in love with her". " You know about that" Scott said. "Yes  #1 I'm not blind and #2 the whole school knows that Stiles is in love with Lydia," you said with a slight grin. Then he looked at you and smile and said "can I ask you something" "sure" you said "MMM do you want to go out for coffee or something with me tomorrow after school" he said rather quickly. "yes coffee sounds great" you said with a smile. "so how about i meet you at your locker after school then we can go from there" he said. "Sounds like a plan". With that you hear someone yelling SKY SKY SKY . "Someone calling you is everything okay" he said " Yer it is my brother looking for i got into a flight with my parents and just left there probably wondering were i am" you said. "You better go then i'm sure there worried until to tomorrow" he said You got up and was about to walk to your brother car when you turn around and said "goodbye Scott" "goodbye Skye looking forward to your coffee date tomorrow" he said with that you turn and kissed him on the cheek and ran off to your brother car yelling "SEE YA AROUND STILES.

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