Aiden For Tiffany

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My life sucks at the moment no matter what I do it seem I can't do anything right no matter how much I try everyone hates me even my mum has hated me ever since my dad died she blames me and she often tells me she wished it was me dead and not my dad and teacher hate I can't get anything right. The only thing that is good in my life is my boyfriend Aiden but there is also a downside to that we can't let anyone find out about us because he doesn't want the alpha pack to find out and hurt me.

It was just a normal day at school where I go unnoticed or get called names by the bitches at this school. I was walking down the hallway with my head down my hoodie over my head and my headphone so I can't hear the names been yelled at me from across the hallway. When I looked up saw a group of girls all over Aiden and Ethan flirting with him which made me want to punch them in the face which is what I really want to do. Then he saw me looking at him he gave me a small smile I just smile back at him and then put my head down and keep walking until my phone beeped it was a text from Aiden You have the cutest smile you should smile more. I can wait to hold you in my arms tonight and watch you fall asleep I couldn't help but smile at that message as I walked into the classroom which was still empty at this point. I sat down at my desk when Ethan came up and sat next to me. "Hay Tiffany did you and Aiden have fun last night," Ethan said. "I don't know what you are talking about," I said trying to play dumb. " Don't play dumb with Tiffany I know Aiden has been sneaking to your house whenever he gets the chance for months now" Ethan said. " I don't know what you are talking about". You said as you tried to move away from him then he grab your arm and looked at you and said:" I thought he would have got sick of you in a few weeks but it has been a few months and he still sneak off to see you and now look what you made me do to my own twin brother". He said with an evil look on his face at this point women walk in and looked at you and started to growl at you. Your phone started to ring Ethan goes " you better get that and say goodbye to lover boy". You picked up your phone to hear Aiden in a panicked voice say "Tiffany where are you, you need to get out and meet at your locker where I can take you somewhere safe they know". "I know I'm sitting next to your brother and there's a woman who won't stop growling at me," you said. "KALI Shit Shit stay there don't go anywhere," Aiden said. With that the door got ripped off the classroom and Aiden came in running with Scott, Stiles, Isaac, and Liam. "Let her go Ethan" Aiden screamed at Ethan "look what we have here someone came to recuse their little girlfriend," said Ethan. "I said just let her go now Ethan," said Aiden with that Ethan grab your arm a little tighter digging his nail into your skin and you winced at the pain trying not to scream in pain. " What did we tell you about distraction you came here to do a job not get a little girlfriend if that's what you call her," said Kali. " Her name is Tiffany, by the way, Kali she, is not a distraction I am in love with her now let her go I said," Aiden Said with a loud growl at this point. It must have caught Ethan off guard because he loosens his grip on my arm enough for me to get out of his grip and I run behind Aiden. Who then pushed me into Stiles's arms. He looked at me and said "are you okay" "no I'm fine" you replied trying not to let him know I was scared out of my mind and my arm really hurt. Aiden looked at Stiles and said "get her out of here don't want her to see what is about to happen". "why should I" Stiles said "because I Love her and I can't live without her" Aiden said. "wow you really do have a heart " Stiles said as he dragged you out of the classroom. Once you were out of the classroom all I could hear was "so you pick the worthless excuse of a human over us then " Said Kali "Yes I'll pick her over you over the pack and even over Ethan" Aiden said. Then all you could hear was growling and a whole lot of crashing a banging until it all went quiet you tried to go into the classroom but Stiles kept holding you back. You started to cry until the door opened and Aiden came out with scratches over his face and body and when he saw you came running up to you and pick you up and hug you and kiss you in front of the whole school and whisper in your ear " are you okay". "I am now you here are you okay," you said "ill heal," he said "I love so much Tiffany," Aiden said out loud so the whole school could hear "I love you too Aiden," you said, and kissed him and He put you down and turned and said, " thank you, Stiles, Scott, Issac and Liam I don't know what I would do without her she is my everything she is my anchor". With that, he grabs your hand and you walk out of the school.

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