Fight with Stiles

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I was sitting in my room getting every ready for my boyfriend Stiles to come over and study for mid term together I looked at the phone there was 30 min before he was meant to get here but knowing Stiles he we'll be here before that so I went down stairs and grab a couple of drinks and a bag of chips and his favorite cookies I made earlier that day when back up to my room the get there thing ready i sat there and waited and waited for feel like hours.

I look my phone to check to see if he called or text me, he was meant to been here 30 mins ago. I was starting to get worried as he never late when it comes to me. I picked up my phone and text him hay babe were are you is everything Ok i'm getting worried? i wait another   couple of mins he did get me back to me. So i decide to call him and his phone just rang out and wait another couple mins and try again i think i must of called him a least  20 times in the last half hour. At this point i was getting ready scary as i didn't know where he could be so i text Scott Hay Scottie you seen Stiles any where  meant to be  studying together. Scott next me back straight away Yer he told me he was helping Malia study for her mid term. Thanks Scott i text him back . You end up going to bed and crying yourself to sleep as you couldn't believe that your boyfriend of a year would rather help your best friend study then you.
Before you knew your alarm woke you up and you drag your self  out of bed and got ready for your day at school you put your jeans a favorite Hoodie on, getting ready to see your boyfriend which at this point is was the last thing you wanted to do
Walking down the hallway and you saw Stiles and Scott at there lockers talking so you put your hoodie over your head and walked with you head down hoping that  he didn't noticed you but that didn't work all you could hear was  "hay wait up y/n" Stiles was yelling which made you walk bit faster. Then all of sudden he grab your shoulder and said " hay" " how may i help you" you snap " what's up with you today get out of bed the wrong side or something"he said. "did you forget to do something last night" you said trying not to cry "no why was i meant to do something" he said.  You just looked him straight in the eyes and said "you figure it out" and walk well rather when run back outside and got to your car and drove home and jump back in to your bed where you spend the rest of the day either crying or eating ice cream.

You must of fell a sleep up woke up to your phone beeping like crazy you look at your phone there was about 100 text and calls for Stiles. You depend weather or not to read then so you just read a few I'm sorry i forgot your study night I'm sorry you have the worst boyfriend in history please pick up answer your phone you put your phone down as you could hear bang at the door "come on y/n open the door i know your there You didn't you just stood on the other side of the door please babe open the door I need to see you i need to tell you how  sorry i am" he said So you open the door slightly and said " wow you know where i live"  " im so so so sorry babe i just forgot" he said " what you you forget we were meant to be studying with me or you forgot you had a girlfriend " you snap " I'm sorry i didn't think that you would mine that i help her as she your bff" he said "No i don't care that you help out our friend but i do care that you forgot that i also need your help and you promise to help me" i said starting to cry " babe please don't cry how can i make it up to you" he said " you figure that out" you said and you shut the door and walked up to your room crying all you called hear was I love you i can't live with out you Im so sorry  I need I'll make it up to you i promise.

How will Stiles make it up to her?

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