Meeting Brett

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I don't anything about lacrosse Just heads up

Your parents had just got offered a job oversea and you want to go finish your senior year with all friends at Beacon hills especially your best friend Liam and Mason. So your parents thought it would be a good idea to let you to stay with your overprotect, annoying slightly older cousin Derek Hale. You read it right im a Hale.

It was the first game of the season. Beacon Hill playing their first lacrosse game for the season against Devenford Prep  Liam old team.  You and Laim and Mason were walking to the Lacrosse field when with all your gear getting ready to start practice. When you noticed the bus with a whole bunch of the Devenford Prep player walking of the bus towards the field and there was a tall guy that wouldn't stop looking at you smiling. When you looked around to tell Liam you were ready to start practiceed. You saw Liam walk up to his old team mates and start talking to them. do you decide to start  practicing while waiting for Kira and the our other team mates to join. When you overhear  someone say your name which made you stop what you were doing and looked up to see Liam and this tall guy walking over  to where you were practicing  and Liam said hay "Y/n this is Brett". Brett looked and you and smile and he said "hello" while  looks you up and down. You look at him a said " Hay".  Brett said "So do you need someone to help you practicing I have an hour or so  spare before we kick you ass" . You turn around pick your stick up and throw the ball into the net and said "Does sit look like i need help your help" and you turn around and walk over to Kira who had come over to start practicing with you. You over hear Liam say "sorry about y/n she a Hale" to Brett and Brett replied enough said.

During the Game

 All off sudden out of know where you felt some smash into before you knew it you were laying on the ground  with someone on top of you which turn out to be Brett on top of you he looked at you and said "This is going to be more fun then i thought" with a sexy grin . You replied while pushing him off you "I know let the game begin"you soad with a  smile. While coach was yelling at you to get up and stop being  a baby and to tough up you got a game to finish.  You and Brett  were facing off in the middle against eacher other and he looked at you and said "lets make this game more fun" "Sure ill make it fun for me by kicking your ass" you said by looked at him giving the cheeky smile  He looked  at you and replied "how about if i score you go on a date with me and if you score ill stop and " then he stop talking to. You looked at him and said and "you'll what" you said "your have to want see" he said you looked and him and said "what eva lets just  play all ready" as you just rolled yours eye at him then you hear the whistle go.  You and Brett both got the ball  then next minute your team scored you looked at him and smile he just smile back and walked past you and  said" looks like no date for you" you whispered back "thank god" and walked off to your team and when on with the rest of then game. Before you knew it game was over and beacon hills WON. The other team was walking over to shake your hand when Brett came over to you and whisper "so you ready to see what i'm going to do". you just looked and give a werid look. Before you knew it Brett pulled you into a kiss in front of the crowd plus our team mates  and his team which turned into a Passion kiss which you could help but kiss him back when it was over he looked at you and said" i win either way" you just rolled you eyes and walk over to Liam and the coach which i was surprise he wasn't yelling at anyone for a change.  Liam nudge you and month  what was that about. YOU looked at him and mouth just a  silly bet. You walked off to the locker room with Kira. Then she told you" Brett likes you he was asking Scott and Liam all about you and asking i you had a boyfriend while we were practicing". You just smile and said will "he a good kisser" if that anything. 

After the game 

You just walking out off the lockers the boys were waiting  for you girls and also standing there  waiting was Derek he just looked at you and said "so are you going to tell me what that was about". You just looked at him and said "i don't know what your talking about" " dont play dumb with me little miss" he said  you looked back and him a said "don't play dad with me"  you said. While you and Derek were talking you could see the rest of your friends slowly back away. You just looked at him and said "it was just a kiss which i didn't ask for, anyways i'm sure your kiss plenty of girls in your life time".  "Fair enough im just trying to look out for baby cousin" .  He said  "Aww i knew there was heart in there some were Mr sour wolf" you said he was about to say something but you just hug him. "Ok Y/n ill see you at home just remember to tell your lover boy who standing over near your car if he hurts you ill ripe his throat out with my teeth" he said and  he said looking over to your car. You noticed a Brett standing next to you car he just wave at you and Derek. 

Withthat Derek walked off to his car you walked over to your car and said "how may i help you" .  "Just making sure you got to your car safety i wouldn't want anything to happen to a pretty little thing like you" he said You looked at him blanket and said " do you really think someone dumb enough to try and hurt me your hear of my family right " he said "i just want to make sure Beacon Hill star player gets to her car safety and i  need to tell you something " Brett said "I'm waiting don't have all year" you said while tapping on your car,  he came close to your ear and said " i let you score that goal" " whatever dude your tripping dude, don't have time for this crap right now i'm cold and just and i just want to go home so will you just move already".  you replied " I'll move if you give me your number," he said with a smile that wouldn't melt most girls heart but your not most girls . " You don't need or want my number I'm sure you have plenty of prep girls at your pecking call why don't you call one-off them, as im not one off those girls guys like you date" you relied in a slightly pissed off tone "I know that's why i want your number and who says i date girls like that " he said  " ill give to you if you just me F***ken leave me alone " you relied so you gave him your number and then he moved out of your way and you jumped in to your car and drove off. 

Im thinking a Part 2 maybe

Sorry if there spelling mistake 

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