Break Up with Liam

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Sorry not the greatest but its something  needs to be edited 

You and Liam have been dating for about 8 months you did everything together we were hardly apart. That's was up to about a week ago that was something seem to change  he wasn't the same person you started to date all those months ago or the person you feel in love with. You were hanging out in locker room with Lydia and Malia when you over hear some girls talking about Liam  and how close they were getting and how they  hang out every  night this week just talking about dump little stuff. You recognized the voice it was Hayden she was in you and Liam Maths class.

Lydia must of seen you started to cry and she come up and gave you a hug and said "Liam loves you there nothing going on with them don't worry" You wipe you tears a way and said " your right"then Malia said "do you want to do something about it".   "If I was going to do something about I think I've do that covered but thanks any way" you said pulling her into hug at that put the bell rang you looked at the girls and said great "maths next with Liam and Hayden" your said "don't worry a least you ask him about it or you could skip class" said Malia " do you want us to walk with you to class" said Lydia. You got up and grabbed  your bag and hug both or them and said " nah its okay plus if its true i don't want you to see what i'm going to do to them" you said with a weak smile. With that You walked off to your class.  You walked into your class and looked for Liam which he wasn't there yet so you said down on the table you both normally sat at.  Then Liam walked in and walked straight pass you and sat next Hayden.  And with that you wipe the tear way that was started to form. Mason come and sat next you "Everything ok with you and Liam he said " i don't know  i don't  know anything any more any ways " you said  and at that point the teacher  walked in the room.  After  class had finish you walked as quick as you could out off the classroom . 

You started to walk out the school to your car when Liam came up to you and when to give you a hug but you push him away "what was that for cant i hug my girlfreind" Liam said  "wow so you know who I am you" "Yer you my girlfriend" he replied with a dump smug look on his face which made you want to wipe it off his face"Ok so know i'm your girlfriend" you said getting more angry at him said he replied with" didnt i just say that, wow what up with you did someone get out of the wrong side of bed this morning or is the wrong time of the month ". You just looked at him and said"you haven't spoken to me at all this week or answered my calls or texts so so if that's how you treat someone you so call meant to love, then i don't want to be that person may that i wont be that person" He just gave you a blank look and said "what are you on about" You said "leave me the hell alone and go be with her like you have been all week I see the way you look at her" and with that's you open the car door and drove off. 

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