What you do on a rainy day

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Scott: You and Scott set up a tent well mainly Scott set up the tent you just watch and tell him he doing it wrong which normally ends in Scott coming over and tickling you until you beg him to stop and then you help Scott put up the tent so guys go camping inside with a picnic which you made.

Stiles: You and Stiles play video games and Twister end with you both falling over each other because you are laughing too much.

Isaac: You and Isaac bake cookies and cakes and the normal end in a food fight with Isaac starts most of the time by tipping flour over your head.

Derek: Make a fort and watch movies. Derek makes the fort while you tell him how to make it. You get snacks and a movie. You always fell asleep halfway through the movie.

Jackson: You clean the house while Jackson plays on his phone and by the end of the day you and Jackson take a long hot bath together.

Liam: You play hide and seek and drink hot chocolate and it normally ends up with Liam chasing you around the house trying to tickle you.

Aiden: You guys just lay there a listen to the rain or reading a book. You normally get bored first and start a pillow fight with Aiden.

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