Finding out our Pregnant Derek

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I was away visiting my bestie who just has a baby we were sitting on the bed talking about girl stuff like we do we talk about everything and anything. Somehow we came on the topic of periods and that made me think I haven't had them in a while. I must off had a worried look on my face then my B/f/n asked "what's wrong with you" " nothing" I said " well that look on your face doesn't say anything to me" she said " well I haven't had my periods in a while" I said not knowing what to think. "What a while," she said" I can't remember maybe a few months ago maybe," I said, " a few months ago maybe your pregnant," she said "omg omg omg what if I am pregnant," I said With that she walked to the bathroom and came out holding this box in her hand" here just use this is what I had left over when I found out I was pregnant with Grayson," she said as she handed me the box. So I walked to the bathroom and peed on the stick and left it on the container and walked back out and looked at her and said "what now". She said," we wait five min". we sat there in silence I was freaking out on the inside and she could see it all over my face she looked at me and said: "you know everything this going to be okay". "You think what if Derek doesn't want to be a dad," I said. "Well let us look at the test and see what it says then will cross the bridge when it comes to it," she said as she hug me. "can you check for me please," I said she walked into the bathroom and walked out with a smile ear to ear and said" looks like baby Grayson going to have a playmate soon," she said." What your joking right now aren't," I said, "No sorry honey your pregnant," she said" I'm going to have a baby I'm going to be a mummy," I said with a tear in my eye. "Yes  Yes yes yes and I'm going to be an auntie,"  she said "How the hell am I going to tell Derek he going to be piss at me what if he leaves me and the baby," I said "Trust me Derek loves you and he will love the baby and if he doesn't I'll kick his ass and you can come and live with us," she said.

It has been a few days till I found out that was a baby growing inside of me. I made a doctor app to get an ultrasound to see how far along I was and I was 8 weeks pregnant he ask me if I want a picture, and of course, I said yes. After the appointment, I looked at my b/f/n and said" I have an idea on how I'm going to tell him I'm going to overnight him a picture of the baby with a card saying " can't wait to meet you daddy how does that sound" I asked her "that great idea lets do it".  We when to the shop and found the perfect card and we overnighted it to Derek we went home and that night I couldn't sleep at all wondered what Derek was going to do a least if he freak out I'm all the way over here I thought to myself.

Derek POV

I was sitting at home with Cora going through training moves when the doorbell "ill get "yelled Cora. She came walking back into the room and hand me this envelope "it's from y/n" she said as she gave it to me. I was thinking why would y/n sending me something she always just calls or texts and she be home in a few days. I ripped open the letter to find a card with can't wait to meet you daddy and when I open it up was a picture of the baby will at least say baby Hale on it. I was just standing there in complete shock and was y/n trying to tell me she was having a baby. Cora came up grabbed the card out of my hands and looked at it and said or rather scream "I'm going to be Aunty" with that  Peter walked in said, "what going on here why is Derek not moving or saying a word". Cora just looked at Peter and said "Derek going to be a daddy, by the way, can we go into shock he been like that for About 10 mins now" she said Peter walked up to me and was about to slap me a cross the face I grab his hand and said, "Don't even think about it". I run into the room and throw a few things into a bag and grab my car keys and walk out "were you going "Cora asked "Where do you think" I said" Can i come" she asked" If you can make it to the car in the next 5 mins "i said with that i walked out to the car and was about to drive off before i could Cora up in the car or the next 6 hours we drove n silence to see y/n

your pov

I was sitting on the couch holding baby Grayson while y/b/f was cooking lunch when the doorbell rang "ill get" yelled y/b/f  She walked back in and said" it for you"  and behind her walked in Derek and Cora who pushed Derek out of the way and came and gave me hug and whispered in my ear" I can't wait to be aunty "you just smile at her as she took baby Grayson off you and said, "I need the practice to be the best auntie in the world" she said as her and my bestie walk off to the kitchen. I turn and looked at Derek who was standing there with his arm crossed and a stern look on his face I looked at him a whispered: "I'm sorry" he came up to hug me and said, "why are you sorry you don't have any reason to be sorry" he said he picked me up and carried me to the couch and sat down on the couch and said '"so I'm going to be a dad" he looked at me with a grin ear to ear "yes you going to be a dad" "I can't wait to meet the little monkey" he said as he lifts my shirt up and kisses my belly.  "your make the best mum in the world" he said to me and "you make the best overprotective dad in the world" I said to him "you bet" he said as he kiss me.

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