Favorite Place to kiss you

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Scott -On the nose, he thinks it's cute when you squish up your nose that's what makes him want to kiss it more.

Derek - He wraps his arm around you from behind and kisses you on the neck.

 Aiden - He takes you by surprise, grabs your waist, and pulls you in for a kiss on the lips. 

Stiles - He loves to cup your face and kisses you sweetly  

Jackson - He always kisses your hand and works his way up your arm until he gets to your lip then he kisses you with a passion that takes your breath away.

Isaac - He kisses your cheek when there are people around but when you are home he likes to push you up against the way hold your arms above your head and kisses you like he means it.

Liam - Likes to kiss you on the neck because he likes how it tickles you and he loves it when you laugh

Theo - On the back for some reason he loves to kiss you on your back.

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