who you spend Christmas with

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I know Christmas been and gone but i had these written all ready i hope you enjoy

Scott: you and Scott spend Christmas with your family has Scott Mum had to work, but you both made the time to take her a nice hot turkey dinner with all the trimmings  and her presents you and Scott pick out for her and spend some time with her her break since she was working all Christmas day

Since you're parents when on a holiday over Christmas and you didn't want to go so you spend the day with Stiles and his dad and spend the night with the rest of the pack watching old Christmas movies and eating way too much Christmas chocolate and drinking hot chocolate and having snowball fights.


You spend you Christmas with your family has Derek want to spend his  Christmas with Cora as they have spend Christmas together in a years. Out thought the day he called Face time you and text you to make sure you were having a great day.


You and Issac spend the whole day with your family who treated him like a son and in then the evening pack come over to your place for dinner where you ate a lot and drank a lot  and played games together. By the end of the night your dad was so drunk he found every way he could  to embarrass  you in front of your friends which it worked.


You flow to London to surprise Jackson on Christmas Morning. Christmas Morning nice and early you went to Jackson Apartment and knock on his door. Just say he was every happy  and surprise to see you and you spend the rest of the day opening present and just spending time together. That night he showed you around London.


You and Aiden spend Christmas day with Ethan and Danny. You were meant to do the whole Christmas lunch and the boys come in to help which end in a huge food flight. So you had to order Christmas Lunch in. Ethan when to Danny in the evening so you and Aiden cuddle up on the couch and watch your fav Christmas movie and cup of hot chocolate


You and Liam spend the evening together has both your family want you to spend Christmas day with them. So that Evening you and Liam when for a walk drunk hot chocolate and build a snow man and had a hug snow ball flight which you won only because he let you win  at least that's what he telling you.


You and Theo didn't get to see each other much on Christmas day as your parents didn't like him. But that evening he sneak in to your room where you swap gifts and cuddled and watch cheesy Christmas movie and eat Christmas lollies until you both feel asleep.


You spend Christmas day with Brett and his Pack who were like you second family. Where you woke up Christmas morning with Brett arms around you woke him up bye jumping on the bed yelling wake it Christmas. At the point he grabbed you throw you over his shoulders and carried you down stairs to open your present.

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