Peter for Cierra

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Peter POV

"Great did i hear Derek correct everyone is coming over,"  i said to my beautiful but clueless girlfriend Cierra. Don't get me wrong i love the fact that sometimes she totally clueless it's one of the reasons that I fell in love with her." That's great i haven't seen the guys since we got back from Mexico" she reply with a smile on her face. Once everyone had arrived they were all around chatting about what Cierra as missed at school why she was away helping Derek and me. I sat on the step to stairs just watching Cierra has she was chatting to Kira smiling and laughing which made me smile i omg i love see her happy i was thinking to myself. Then out of no where Jackson came up  and started to chat to her which made me come out off my day dream as Jackson only thinks about one person only and that his himself and he always had a thing for her. He always trying to chat her up and she is totally clueless what he is doing.  I sat there and just watched and listen too see what Jackson is up to. "So Cierra what have you been doing i missed see you face at school" Jackson said to her.  She looked at him and said" i when to Mexico with Peter and Derek" she said with a simple small smile on her face." Well you sure a looking tan the sun has done wonderful things to your body" he said to her has he put his arms around her shoulder and pulled her in close. At that point i had it i could stand there and watch some jock chat up my girl. So i walked over to  her she saw me coming a gave  me a huge smile " hay baby" she said. "Hay too, to you sweet heart" i said has i remove Jackson arm from her and pulled her into a hug and looked at Jackson and" whispered Back off she mine go find your own".  She pulled out of the hug and slight hit and said "what was that for "she said I looked at her and said "what was want for". "why did you tell Jackson to back off we were just chatting". "what you hear that" i said "yes you forgetting something" "Shit that right i keep forgetting you are one of us now". I said to her she just smile at me. "No babe you were chatting to Jackson but Jackson as flitting with you he i said. She looked at me and said" your so cute when you get jealousy over other boys and plus Jackson know you'll kill him if he try anything," she said and kissed me on softly on the lips. For the rest of of the night i pretty much stayed by her side holding her hand or hugging her so that everyone new that she was mine and only mine. For some dumb reason Stiles thought it would be a great idea to watch Star Wars great i hate Star Wars there was no way  would be sitting watching that so i walked in to the Kitchen . Cierra sat in the couch and Jackson came and sat next to her and said "thanks for saving me a sit". "i didn't and since when do you like Star wars" she said. "Since i get to sit her next to you for the next few hours  i'm willing to watch it" he replied with mischief grin on his face. I walked in to the lounge  and saw Jackson up to his old tricks again so i walked over to them and picked Cierra up and sat down with Cierra on my lap as she snuggle up to me has the movie started  and whispered in my hear " i thought you didn't like Star Wars" She said. "I don't but i know how much you love watching and ill do  anything for you and plus i to sit here and hug for the next few hours". " i love you and only you" Cierra said "i love you to Cierra" I said back to her and looked at Jackson and smile and mouthed She mine did you hear it she loves me and only me.

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