What he does when he see you crying

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Isaac: He rushes over to you when he sees you crying in the bedroom and hugs you and asks "you if there is anything wrong", you don't say anything he just keeps hugging you and he says" I'm going to keep hugging you to you stop crying or feeling like talking I don't care if it takes all day and all night "he said while rubbing you back". That's where you two stayed until you were ready to talk.

Scott: Scott see you crying on the steps of your house. He comes to us and puts his arm around your waist and pulls you into a hug and he asks "if everything was okay and is there he could do to make you smile". You said "just sit here with me," you said through your tears You put your head on his shoulder and he grabs your other hand that's where you stay until you ready to talk.

Stiles: Stiles comes into your room and see you crying on your bed. He runs over and jumps on your bed and asked if you are okay. You said" I'm fine" "you don't like fine to me," he said. Then he starts tickling you and said he is not going to stop tickling you until you either stop crying or tell him what the matter". You deiced to tell him what was wrong you both laid on the bed with your head on his chest and his arm around your back he just let you talk.

Derek: Derek sees you crying in the chair and runs over picks you up and sits back down with you on his lap. remove the piece of hair out of your face and kiss you on the forehead and looks into your eyes and said: "what's wrong who made you cry and whose throat do I need to rip out". I just had a bad day can we just sit here for a bit".you said "Sure anything for you" he said He just wrapped his arms around you and you put your head on his shoulder and he place his head on top of your just sat there.

Jackson Jackson came home and hear you crying in the bathroom you were sitting in the bottom of the shower crying. He knocks on the door and asks if you're "OK" you said you are "FINE" "you don't sound fine" he said as he walks in to see you crying on the grounding the shower.  He walks in and grabs towels and turns the water off and puts the towel around you and picks you up and carries you to the bedroom and places you on the bed. He laid next to you With his arms around you and he looks into your eyes and said "I LOVE YOU you know that"

Aiden: Aiden comes in and hears you crying in the lounge room he comes up to you and knees in front of the chair and grabs both of your hands and asked you if "you need anything". You said," I could do with a hug" with that he picked you up off the chair and hugged you like there was no tomorrow. he whispered in your ear "are you ready to tell me what's wrong" He carried you back to the couch and sat down with you his lap and he listens to everything and tries to think of ways he could help you.

Liam: Liam sees you crying outside in the garden. He comes over and sits in front of you and pulls you on his lap and whispers into your ear what's wrong my love who made you cry? You just hug him back and said "I'm fine now you are here with me" with that he hugged you back.

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