Drunk night out Part Two (stiles)

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Stiles POV

Once y/n was inside all of us boys were trying to keep her quite so she didn't wake anyone. It was to late for that her older brother came down stairs

"Hay whats this noise going on down here" he said but then he took on look at y/n who was still dancing and sing to herself. "y/n were y/b/n" he said she suddenly stop want she was doing and looked at him with a cross look on her face said " he left me for some random ass bitch" . "I'm going to kill him when he get back home i told him to never leave you at the club alone, who know what you could get up to" he said. Her brother looked at us and thanks us for going to picking his sister up. Then y/n yelled at the top of her lungs " I'M GOING FOR A SWIM" as she run pass us towards the pool then she jumped in. "welcome to world of drunk y/n" he said laughing. "She doesn't keep still when she wasted" He said "she reminds me of someone else i know" Scott said looking at me. All i could do was look at her having the time for her life trying to get on to the swan that was in the pool which was cute to watch as she fail so many times. All i could think about was how cute she is then her brother snap me out of my thoughts by saying "you guy can go if you want ". " i can't leave  y/n alone in the pool in the state she in" i replied "its okay ill stay and watch her, plus you guy have study group in the morning"." No it got cancel " Liam replied. "Its okay ill stay and watch her so you guys can go if you want"I said "I'll stay  too" said the rest of the guy "she pretty funny when she wasted" Issac said. Next second y/n jumped out of the pool and gave me a huge wet hug i couldn't help but hug her back She looked up at me and said" thanks for saving my sorry ass". Then she was off into the kitchen looking into the fridge . "Hay you the boy over there i heard you can cook pancake" she said pointing to Scott "Yes" Scott replied "Well make me some please" she said with the cutest puppy dogs. He looked at her and said "how can i say no with those puppy dog eyes". "Thank you" she said. After eating pancakes which y/n pass out at the table and no one want to wake her so her brother carried her upstairs and put her bed.  Then came back down and thanks us for taking good care of his little sister.

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