flight with Isaac

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The pack was over your and Isaac's place watching a few movies. You couldn't watch the movies with the rest of the guys has you had a huge assignment that was due the next day. So said hello to the guys and told them that you had finished your assignment that was due and you'll be in the room. As the guys all found a place to sit they put the movie on. You when and gave Isaac a kiss and said" if you need me let me know ill be in the room study". As you walk off Isaac smack your bum and said "don't have too much fun in the room without me" he said. You into the room started to open your laptop and pull out all your papers and place them all over the bed you were about to start typing. When you heard Isaac Yell "hey Honey do you think you can get me and the guys and drink I don't want to miss the start of the movie". So you stop want you were doing and when in the kitchen and got them all a drink. Walked into the lounge and gave them the drinks and said is "that all you need as I really have to get this assignment done" you walk off and went back to study and Isaac keep asking to bring them stuff from the kitchen. After about 20 times of him asking to get them something you were getting more pissed off each time, he asked you to get him something, because he didn't want to miss any part of the movie and he know how important it was for you to get your assignment done. "Hay honey can you bring me a beer" he yelled So you walked into him and gave him his beer then whispered in his ear loud enough so the other can hear "the next time you or someone what something you or they need to get off their ass and get it themselves or they will be wearing it I really need to get this finish your ll ill fail this subject ". And with that to stomp off, you were about to reach the bedroom room door. "Then hay honey get us some chips"  you walked back into the kitchen and grabbed the bag of chips from the bench and walked into the lounge and screams" WHO WANTED THE F***kin Chips". Isaac put his hand up so you walk over to where he was sitting and tipped the whole bag of chips over Isaac's head. Then you said, " Here are the chips you asked for". Then he looked at you and said "what the f**k did you do that for women". You looked at him and said rather calmly "I told you the next person who wants me to get them something they be wearing it". He just looked at you with a stupid smirk on his face which piss you off even more at that point you were about to cry then you yelled "WANT DO I LOOK LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND OR A MAID " You look like my girlfriend to me why you ask that" he said  "BECAUSE HOW I FEEL RIGHT NOW I DON'T FEEL LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND THAT YOU MEANT TO BE IN LOVE WITH ALL YOU HEART. ALL  I FEE LIKE YOUR FUCKIN MAID"  with that you were about to walk off until Issac grab you by the arm and said "I'm sorry for being a dick". You looked at him and said, "let me go our you will be sorry and don't think I'm sorry going to cut it this time". With that, you ran up to your room and locked the door and fell behind the door, and started to cry.

Let me know if you want a make-up part 

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