The first time he says ' I love you'

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Stiles: You and stiles were meant to be studying which end up in you guys having a tickling match. Of course, Stiles wins as you are the most ticklish person on the planet. When Stiles pins you down and looks into your eyes and say "I don't think you know how much I love you y/n". "I love you too Stiles" you replied and pulled him in for a kiss.

Scott: You and Scott were hugging in bed watching Netflix when you notices he was looking at you. When you looked at him and asked him "why are you looking at me do I have something on my face". "Nothing I just thinking how much I love you I'm the luckiest guy in the world to call you my girlfriend. You looked at him  and said " I love you soon much sometimes it hurts"

Derek: You were in bed when Derek come home from a pack meeting and he missed you much he deiced to join you in bed.  He was hugging you and you pretend to be asleep. When you heard Derek say" I love you Y/n I don't want to lose you I want to keep you safe". You turn around and looked at him and said " I love you and I'm not going anywhere".

Isaac: You were getting a lot of hate from the other girls at school. Girls calling you fat and ugly and them saying I don't understand what Isaac sees in you. You were looking in to mirror and started to cry. When Isaac come up behind you and pulls you into a hug and whispered in your ear  "I love you and you are perfect to me the way you are no matter what anyone else may think or say". You turn around and hug him and said " You don't know how much that meant to me coming from you and I love you".

Jackson: You and Jackson were in his car and he turns and looks at you and said: "there's something I need to tell you". You looked at Jackson and said, " what do you need to tell ". I Love you" he said and you kissed him and said, "I love you too you big dork".

Aiden:  Aiden text you there is something really important I need to tell you now meet me at your locker in 5 mins. You arrived at your locker to see Aiden standing there waiting for you. You ran up to him and asked " what is so important you pulled me out of class to tell me". "Nothing I just want to tell you that I LOVE you and I couldn't wait any longer to tell you". " I love you too but you could have waited until after class to declare your undying love to me" you laugh as he pulled you into a kiss.

Liam: You were going to watch Liam and the rest of the guys start playing their match and when he saw you in the stands and he came running up to you and hugged you and whisper to you "I love you thanks for coming to the game". "I do anything for you and I love you too now go kick the other team's ass". you said "Anything for you my love," he said and with run off to start playing the game.

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