MAke up with Scott

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It has been about week if you crying and not going out of your room.

You were a sleep and you hear your phone peep you rolled over and grunt to yourself what the tell do that want. You looked at the text it was from Stiles who was your best friend suck in the middle of you and Scott break up. 

 Stiles :I have seen you in a week now get you butt out if bed and meet me at the park.

Me :Sorry i need to wash my hair i can't make it. 

Stiles: Don't make me come and get you. 

 At that point i just turn my phone off and throw on the other side off the bed and rolled over and put my headphones and started to look through old picture of you and Scott the Happier times and you began to cry like for the 1000 times this week . Then Stiles come Blustering through the door and looked and you and ran and gave you a big hug. Then he said "hay y/n I love you but you sink when's the last time you Showered or bushed your teeth or  hair" "Thanks i love you too what are you doing here and who let you in." you replied. " Well i told you if you didn't meet at park that i would come and get you" he said. At that point he walked in to you bathroom turn on the shower then came back and picked you and carried you the shower and place you in it.  " What the F***k was that for" You said. He Just smile and walked out. " By the way you might want to wear something nice ill  be waiting down stairs."  

After you had finished you got dress in your jeans and jumper and walked down stairs and said I'm dress are you happy. He turn and Looked and you and sad "great now get in the car". "tell me why first" you said "sorry Hun i can't " at that point he pick me up and place in the car.

After we have been driving for a while we turn up to this park. Stiles lean over and open the door and said " now get out and walk 100 meter that way"he said pointing in the direction he wants me to go "why should i" you said a little  pissed off. "Please just do it for me" he said. "okay" i replied as i was getting out of the car and started to walk into the direction he pointing at once i got close i saw a beautiful Picnic set up and Scott standing there with my Favorite flowers in his hand as soon as  i saw him standing there i started to turn around and walk in the other direction back to Stiles car. Scott come running up to you and grab your hand and said "please y/n don't go" You turn to him and said "give me one good reason to stay" you said " because i love you and i can't leave with you. Your my Anchor i need you in my life." He said with a sweet cheeky smile that was to die for and hand you your favorite flowers. You said "Scott I love you to you are my everything". You turn and kissed him and he kissed you back passionately. After you looked at him and said " you know things have to change right it can't keep going the it was". He turn and looked and you and said "yes i know but we can work on that together as a team and ill do anything to keep you in my life". With that he grabbed your hand and you both walked off back to the picnic he had set up and you both sat down you both enjoyed your picnic he had done while taking about you relationship and how you are going to make it work.

Sorry it crappy but i try Sorry if there mistake thanks for the Voting and Commenting you guys  rock . 

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