Chapter 2: Questions and Answers

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"We must first learn to forgive ourselves, in order for someone to forgive us."

Chapter 2:
Questions and Answers


I woke up to an awful headache, my eyes seemed to scan immediately my surroundings. I was in the med bay, in the drop ship. I tried to stand up but it was like those legs weren't mine. I turned around to see Finn looking at me. I could see pity in his eyes, and I wasn't about to let him feel pity for me.

''What are you doing here'' - I frowned while asking the question, not really caring. Just wanting him to go. I thought if I asked politely I can then tell him I want to be alone.

''Clarke,please. I heard you fainted, I was worried. If anything had to happen to you I.. '' he seemed to be telling the truth. But he could also be lying, or hiding the truth like he did with Raven- which ever way he wants to tell it.

''Finn, I thought I made myself clear. I don't want you near me. And I am fine, clearly you got that when you carried me from there.'' I wasn't pleased he,from all people, had to carry me here. I think I'd rather have whatever injuries Murphy had than ever touch Finn's skin again.

''Clarke I don't know where you got that I found you, because I didn't. Bellamy carried you here. As much as I hate saying that, he might have saved your life from whatever got into you, and I owe him for that.'' Bellamy? I thought to myself. Why him? Well it was still better than Finn, but I didn't quite get why he'd want to save my life. It wasn't as if we were on great terms. He threatened me a couple of times now..

''Why would he...''
I couldn't even finish my sentence without someone barging in, Bellamy came rushing in, looking all worried.

Bellamy turned to face Finn - ''What are you doing here Spacewalker? How about you go help someone who actually wants your help?''

As cocky as it was, it sounded like our Bellamy. I felt happiness at the moment. If Finn couldn't leave me alone when I asked he sure as hell is when Bellamy asked. Well he never asks, when Bellamy said so* I wasn't that glad to see him since.. ever. Finn just smirked at him and exited the med bay.

''I heard I have you to thank for saving my ass today.'' I said confidently,looking right at his eyes.

''Yeah, well don't thank me yet. We need you.'' He said partially looking at his feet and then meeting my eyes.

I had a strong feeling something bad has happened.


Strangely I was glad that Clarke was okay, but there was no time for asking stupid questions we all knew the answers to, as 'how are you feeling?'or 'Is everything okay? - we both knew'what was she going to say 'fine' then fake a smile. It's what leaders do. And she was one of them.

I had just left the med bay. My eyes were searching for Murphy. Others had brought him in here, to question him, not even half an hour ago. I told Clarke to meet me in the dropship after she's done with regaining her strength. We had Murphy locked up on the 2nd floor of the dropship. He didn't seem to talk much.

''There is no way he's gonna tell us anything unless you get it out of him. We know what to do'' I exchanged looks with everyone in the room and they all agreed with a simple nod.

Someone knocked on the closing door of the second floor. I turned to open it, Clarke rushed in freaking out. She didn't like Murphy, but she didn't want him to suffer. Which is what I respected, but it was weak. She needed to learn how to survive in the cruel world we now live in. If we had a grounder and you asked him with a pretty please to tell you where he's keeping your friends, would he tell you? No.

''Let me talk to him. He might open up to me, since I'm not willing to bleed him even more than he already has for answers he might or might not have.'' Something about her speech was believable. I nodded slowly

'Fine Princess, but if your way doesn't work, we're gonna do it my way. And you're gonna watch.''

Clarke just nodded confidently and we left her and a boy posing as guard in case Murphy tries something on her. She was our only medic, we couldn't lose her.


I hope you liked the second chapter! I promise you all it's gonna be more interesting by each one. Keep in mind this is my first ever fan fiction written and if you do have any requests be sure to leave it in the comments and I promise I'll check them out. Please leave your feedback since it motivates me to continue ♥

xoxo, Lea

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