"And so I leave this world, where the heart must either break or turn to lead.."
Chapter 21:
''Don't ever be sorry. I'd do it again a thousand times in a heartbeat if I had to, plus it's Spacewalker we're talking about, I can manage him every time at anytime.'' I said, looking down at her beautiful sky blue eyes. I bit my lip at the realization of what I have just admitted. It sounded so emotional and that was the only thing I told myself I could never be. Her warm eyes filled up with tears, happy tears. She jumped and hugged me as tightly as her strength allowed her body. I returned the embrace and I couldn't help but notice a smile slip my lips uncontrollably.
I was walking along with Jasper, we had heard some gossips about the incident with Finn and Clarke, I was so shocked and concerned about my best friend. I really hope she's okay. I observed the beautiful nature while making my way towards Clarke's tent, you could fill a light breeze on your skin as the wind slowly approached your body. A warm and tingly feeling scattered across my whole figure. Jasper took my hand shyly and as soon as he did, a light pink flooded my cheeks and it brought a smile to his warm toned lips. I couldn't help but grin as I realized this goof was mine and only mine, after so many years locked away on the Ark, I was finally happy .
''We should head off to see Clarke.'' Jasper mentioned.
''Of course, Jas.'' I said as I made a concern face.
''She's okay, she's a tough one!'' He comforted me, smiling.''I know she is, I just fear that one day she'll break and we won't be of any help.'' I announced sadly.
''I hear you,O.'' Jas said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.
Our feet carried us towards Clarke's tent. On our way over there, I greeted everyone who came across us. Jasper and I talked about a variety of things, from us to rations and camp's members, we pretty much covered all of the topics, including Clarke. My thoughts drifted as the silence between us arose. Jasper took my hand into his,
''Come on.'' He said as he motioned his head towards the curtains of Clarke's tent. We headed inside and a smile escaped both of our lips. I heard grinning from Jasper and I slightly chuckled as well. Clarke and Bellamy separated from their embrace and looked at us curiously, a light pink flooded Clarke's cheeks while an everyday smirk escaped Bell's lips. I cleared my throat before speaking but Clarke beat me to it.
''O, Jasper what are you doing here?'' She asked embarrassed.
''Umm we wanted to see if you were okay.'' Jasper said and Clarke's smile began to fade.
''I will be, it's nothing serious.'' She said calmly.
''You know I'm here for you, right?'' I asked her and she quickly nodded her pretty little head.
''I just didn't think Finn was like that.'' Clarke broke the short silence which has followed my question.
''I did.'' Bell exclaimed and she gave him a playful punch on the shoulder.
''Ouch Princess, I was just telling the truth.'' He put his hands up in surrender.
''I guess you were right then.'' She said as she turned away from Bell, his look lowered and his lips lightly frowned. Another silence arose and was broken by a frightful voice.
''CLARKE!" A voice yelled out to her. We all quickly ran outside where a younger boy waited for us in panic.
''What's wrong?'' She asked curiously but worriedly as well.
''Harper and Monty! They went for a walk around the woods-'' He started explaining but stumbled onto his own words.
''Where are they now?'' Bellamy asked roughly. The boy motioned towards the drop ship and we all quickly made our way towards it. Clarke rushed in and so did we.
''Oh my god Monty are you okay?'' Jasper asked, panicking.
''Yeah, I'm fine! Go help Harper first.'' Monty pointed at the girl who laid unconscious on the metal table at the med bay. Her abdomen was pierced through with an arrow.
Clarke told me to get the essentials as cloth,moonshine, a knife and some more. I nodded and quickly came back with all of the supplies. I handed her the cloth which she has sank in the rough smelling liquid. She cut off the arrowhead and it's tail. She took the tweezers and removed the shaft from the girl's wound and placed the cloth on top, disinfecting the above area and the wound itself. Harper gained her consciousness and as soon as she opened her eyes, she groaned in pain. She held out her hand and Monty took it and tightened their grip. He too had injuries but minor once, over the time we had been down here on Earth, I have watched Clarke treat people and she even taught me quite a few useful things. I asked her if I could help her in any way but she just motioned her head towards Monty and his leg which was filled with cuts. I took some cloth and traced it across his wounds. He was tough, so he didn't scream nor yell.
''Bellamy, go heat this up. I'll need it to close the wound.'' Clarke handed Bellamy the knife and he took it and made his way outside towards the lit campfire. A couple of minutes later Bell returned and rushed to Clarke's side.
''Here.'' Bell said when handing her the heated knife.
''You guys gotta hold her still.'' Clarke told Jasper,Bell and I and we all nodded and rushed to Harper's side. We pinned her down to the table, gripping on to her hands and legs tightly.
''Hey Harper, this is gonna hurt a bit but don't worry, once it's over you'll feel much better.'' She said to her and the frightened girl nodded. Clarke pressed the knife against the wound and Harper groaned in pain. She cried out and resisted our grip, as soon as Clarke released the knife from the wound, Harper steadied herself and breathed out heavily.
''Sorry about that but now you're all done.'' Clarke smiled at her and she gave a weak smile back. We all sighed in relief.
Clarke moved towards Monty and treated his minor wounds, I stayed to help her while Jasper waited for alongside his best friend. Scarlet stormed in the drop ship with a worried expression on her face.
''What's wrong?'' I asked her curiously,frowning my eyebrows.
''Can I see the arrow?'' She asked us both.
''You can see parts of it.'' Clarke said as she handed her the dismantled arrow. Scarlet took the shaft in her hands and brought it closer so she'd see it better. As soon as her eyes found what she was looking for,her brows furrowed and her lips frowned.
''This arrow is specially made for hunting.'' She exclaimed but Clarke and I both seemed confused as to why was that a bad thing? Her people hunt all the time.
''Okay..'' Clarke responded briefly.
''You don't understand, these arrows are custom made for hunting you.'' She said as our jaw dropped and our expression worried. We both stayed speechless when Scarlet spoke again, but this time she brought us fear and distress.
''Your people are being hunted.''
Omg, what a cliffhanger! I hope you liked this chapter and please vote and comment, it means a lot! This chapter is the introduction to the next part of this story. Spoiler - Grounders are coming! Anyways, don't worry about Bellarke because you'll be getting it more from now on. Love you all!!!!
Ps. I'll be going on a vacation by the sea so I won't be uploading for around 7 days, I will however try to write as many chapters as possible for you so when I come back I can upload more frequently!
xoxo, Lea

Bellarke - UNITED
FanfictionThe 100 fall from the Sky. Two leaders, an immense sacrifice for their people, a slow burning love story. How will they survive? How will they get their way? How will they open their heart? #Bellarke