Chapter 26: Run

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"Beauty attracts the eye but personality captures the heart."

Chapter 26:


We extended the search for our meal for about 4 hours now. We managed to catch 2 rabbits, but that was not nearly enough to feed the hundred of starving delinquents. The path we took showed us animal footprints, which led us to our main hunt, the Two headed deer.

Miller and I approached it carefully from the near distance. Miller holding a spear and I holding a bow and a pack of arrows. If anyone asks, Scarlet DID NOT teach me how to shoot! I picked an arrow and quetly aimed it at the abnormal creature before us.

We were taking our time, being hundred percent certain we were to get this hunt and not come back empty handed.

Just before my eyes, a knife was thrown from the long distance behind me and into the beasts eye. That's when we both Miller and I heard it. The loud motion from a bullet which has escaped the loaded gun followed the landing knife. We snapped our heads at the horrifying sound of it but there stood a sight I wasn't able to imagine. A proud princess with a smirk on her face. I gazed at her in shock and confusion until she broke me from the stare and spoke aloud with her angel-like voice.

"You guys took too much time, I had to take the matter into my own hands." She grinned while pointing her finger at the now dead deer who laid still on the ground, covered in his own blood. The bullet pierced it's abdomin and within seconds, his heart stopped and blood pored out of the fresh wound.

"Who taught you how to shoot a gun?!" Miller questioned Clarke. She bit her lip and motioned her head to me. Miller caught up within seconds and I could see the evil smirk on his face that's going to be troubling me later..

"Why am I not surprised?" He placed his hand over his face and then brought them up in surrender when catching a glimpse of the look I was giving him.

I eyed Clarke's gun when a thought of it came to me, no one had a small gun they could carry without anyone noticing. Then it hit me as I surveyed my clothes and the place where my gun used to be.

"Is that my gun, Clarke???" I crossed my arms while she tried to escape from my gaze.

"Nooo.." She replied with a fake smile that was supposed to portray innocence.

"Hand it over." I reached out my hand in a small await. Soon, she handed me the gun with no objections but a small twitch on her toned lips..

"Come on Bellamy! This deer ain't gonna carry him himself!" Miller shouted while motioning his hand over to the dead deer. I walked over to the deer and we both lifted the heavy meat and carried it back to the drop ship.

At the entrance, we were greeted by the cheers at the hunt we have brought in. We placed the deer at the ground while Clarke threw the rabbits to the girls in charge of cooking and disappeared off in the crowd. I took my knife which Clarke had thrown at the beast and tried following after her but two familiar guys came shouting for me to help, I hadn't quite recognized them until I cleared my sight by blinking a couple of times.

Before me stood a horrifed Jasper and not so panicked Kol, the two members of the 1st hunt group.

"What's wrong? Jasper, please breath then talk." I told Jasper as he stumbled to speak from his quickened breathing.

"Mi- Miles!" He practically yelled.

"What's up with him?" I asked the not so helpful Jasper but luckily Kol intervened.

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