Chapter 20: Aftertaste

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"It is our choices which show us who we are, far more than our abilities."

Chapter 20:


I woke up with a trace of dizziness surrounding my whole head, I felt a bit nauseous from whatever had happened yesterday. I didn't remember much, all I knew was I went outside of my tent when I got pissed off at Raven and drank a bit of moonshine, after that I talked to Finn and I guess nothing more happened that night cause everything else was a blur. I turned my body around, when I recognized that this wasn't my tent. I began panicking, my first thought flew off to Finn, had I slept in his tent? No, it wasn't his, his was different and smaller.

Smaller?! That's the thing, everyone except Bellamy and I had the same small tents while the two of us had bigger ones, but Bellamy's was even bigger than mine and this must have been his.

My eyes wondered off from the bed to the rest of the tent, I noticed a thrown T-shirt at the end of the room. I arose to my feet and made my way to pick up the shirt. My jay dropped when I got an understanding it was mine, I caught a glimpse of my black skinny jeans and my combat boots thrown aside on the floor as well. Did I sleep with Bellamy? My heart started racing uncontrollably and soon I needed to steady my balance so I sat on his comfortable bed. I gripped on to the odd unrecognizable material I was wearing. I lowered my head and noticed it was a dark blue shirt that had a cut at the end, it was Bell's shirt, it even smelt like him..

I put on my dark skinny jeans and just as I was ready to undress his shirt off of me, he stepped in. I froze and turned around so I'd fix my appearance. I heard him slightly laugh before he spoke.

"It suits you.'' He smirked as always, I couldn't help but blush.

''Umm, thanks.'' I said with a shy smile.

''Did you sleep well?'' He asked kindly.

''Yeah, I guess.'' I responded.

''Hey Bellamy?'' I took a deep breath before continuing. ''Did we sleep together..?'' I said while lowering my head down in embarrassment.

''Wow, princess. You really think that low of me? Don't you remember?'' He chuckled.

''You were pretty drunk last night but I didn't think you'd forget everything.'' He explained.

''What exactly happened yesterday?'' I asked with a confused look all over me.

''Well.. What is the last thing you remember?'' He asked.

''Um, let's see... We were playing truth or dare, then Scarlet asked Raven about something and when she told us, we were all shocked, well I was pissed.'' He smiled while listening to me talk. ''Then I went outside and got some moonshine, when I came back and sat near the campfire, Finn came and I guess we talked.. I don't remember anything after.'' I finished while a huge grin slipped away from his lips.

''What?!'' I asked nervously.

''Well Princess, let's just say that your night didn't end there.'' Just as he finished, my heart started racing and pounding that I almost thought it would jump out. It was my first time being drunk.. What could I have possibly done?

''Bellamy tell me! What did I do?'' I demanded him to tell me.

''Fine, but you better sit down cause it's a long and an awkward story.'' He told me as the unpleasantness surrounded me.

About 15 minutes later, Bellamy had finished telling the story about my drunken adventures. I placed both of my hands on my face in embarrassment and regretted every moment of it. He gently took me in a bear hug and laughed.

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