"Seek respect, not attention, it lasts longer."
Chapter 29:
Alliance with the TrigedaCLARKE POV:
As Anya's second introduced herself, the four of us waited in silence. We didn't have much in common with the grounders, except that we both wanted the best for our people.
Lexa soon exited the enormous tent we were at as she was called upon by the commander herself. Miller and Octavia wondered off to the feast table and took two apples from it. As their bite fell into the apple's core, the sweetness of its taste made goosebumps appear on their skin from the pleasant feeling. Octavia needed Bellamy and I both to know how the fruit had tasted better than from the surroundings of our camp.
"Mmmm" Octavia started.
"This is amazing, Clarke you have to try it!" She said as she brought an apple for me. I nodded as I didn't believe their over exaggeration. Bellamy watched me from the side as I took a bite of the sweet fruit. My taste buds enjoyed the pleasure as the perfectly sweet feeling overwhelmed them. I wanted more of that ridiculously good fruit.
"This is really good Octavia!" I said while impatiently taking another bite. Bellamy smirked from the side as he watched me enjoy the pleasant taste. My cheeks burned as I could feel his gaze over me, light pink appeared on them as I had to turn away so he wouldn't notice my shy blush.
Although I managed to hide it from Bellamy, I had completely forgotten about his sister, Octavia who was giggling while my cheeks burned in red.
"O! Shhh." I put an index finger on my dry lips as I tried to quiet her down. She came to my side and lightly patted my shoulder.
"Your secret's safe with me!" She grinned proudly.
"What secret?!" I asked as I hoped she didn't get something out of me.
In the exact moment that O have turned towards me, the commander and her second came in. The silence from the four of us emerged as Anya took a seat at the chair which looked like a mini-throne which was displayed in here.
They greeted us with food which made us grateful in many more ways than expected. We enjoyed the meal and discussed the peace in between. Anya seemed to understand Bellamy's and mine point of view on the situation ahead.
We all talked for what seemed like hours and enjoyed one another. Apart from the peace which we have successfully set up, we learned about their culture and their people. Legends and stories of our birth place were told and we each had a chance to speak. Grounders were just like us, they were good and kind when they weren't afraid to show it, they made us believe in humanity and feel pleasant as we learned we were not alone down here.
They agreed to help us with rations and with the winter which was ahead, they also offered to train some of us. We offered them the study of some cultures, we'd teach them how to make the moonshine and more. We would share the advance technology we had brought from space.
Everything was falling into place and I could sense that the life would get so much better from now on.
Anya warned us about the Ice Nation and their queen Nia, which from what we have heard is determined to wipe out both grounders and us. She wanted to get rid of the 'unpure' rase, as she considered everyone beyond her walls an unpure. Lexa told us about a guy who went towards the Ice Nation but never returned. She told us about the rumors which gathered around their camp about him and how he had escaped after almost a year from when he was presumed captive or dead. The guy she was talking about reminded us all about Lincoln, although we might had known something of their importance, nothing would make us sell out a friend, not unless he himself wanted to.
Although everything went smoothly, both Lexa and Anya warned us about their 'blood must have blood' protocol. If anyone from our camp was to harm one of their people, they would be executed and vise versa. We agreed with their terms and they agreed with ours.
After the meeting, the four of us headed back to our camp and our people who needed us. The grounders generously packed us a bag full of those delicious apples and gave us as a present. We promised them that we'd get them to try Monty's and Jasper's famous moonshine! They all nodded at that with a grin.
After a couple of minutes of walking through the deep forest, I spoke up as to hear everybody's opinion on this.
"You know guys, when Scarlet talked to Octavia and I,she told us they would be brutal,that they wanted to wipe us out, but seeing how kind they treated us while in their territory.. I'd say they are pretty good." I told and both O and Miller nodded, Bellamy however stayed silent and motionless.
"I honestly thought they would point a thousand spears at our hearts as soon as we stepped over that bridge!" Miller said which made O and I laugh slightly.
"You know when we took those apples at the beginning? I thought we were gonna get executed if the meeting didn't go as planned 'cause we stole some of their food!" Octavia exclaimed and again we all threw some laughs except Bellamy. I decided to go over to him, he can't avoid Mr forever, right?
I motioned to O that I was going to get Bell into his normal state of mind. She nodded with a huge grin and a big thumbs up which she pointed at me.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked him sincerely. He met my gaze but quickly broke it with a turn of his head.
"I'm fine." He replied so unemotionally that my heart slightly ached.
"No you're not Bellamy! I don't know what's going on but I'm not easy to lose my best friend! Whatever is wrong, please fix it until it's too late and you've lost me. I can't keep doing this! 2 whole days you've been avoiding me. 2 WHOLE DAYS!" I snapped. Once I was finished, I regretted only one part of the speech. The 'lose my best friend' part..
Whatever it is that I thought was happening between us was clearly either non existent or wasn't strong enough to stay. Who knows, maybe I was just being delusional, who would even like a person like me? I broke Finn's heart when he broke mine and with that I lost Raven as a friend, Octavia probably won't talk to me after she's done talking with Bellamy who obviously wants nothing to do with me. 'I'm done for it, I don't need them do I? I don't.' - I'm trying to set my mindset on this thinking. If I don't have anyone, I can't get hurt. Right? Especially not from Bellamy.
As Miller and Octavia are already so ahead of us, we are practically left alone in the deep and dark woods. As we're walking, I decide to end this thing that keeps getting me hurt.
With that, I add the sentence I never once wanted to tell him."We're done Bellamy. I can't keep doing this with you. I don't know what I've done to deserve this kind of pain. You know, I thought we were friends.. I thought you cared." I break down, tears now flooding my almost red eyes.
Just as I turn away my body and his eyes are facing my back, I feel a gentle grip on my skinny hand. Bellamy is holding on to it, gazing upon my now staring bloodshot eyes.
"Clarke-" He calls but can't seem to continue the whole story I knew he was hiding behind his gaze.
Just like he held the whole universe of secrets and emotions behind his gaze. He, just like the universe, was a beautiful mystery to me and us all.
Aw this chapter was so emotional for me to write as I am such a hardcore Bellarke shipper. I really hope you enjoyed it but of course, I hope you'll like the next one even more cause it's hella special! Keep in mind - we're going sloooow, cause those kind of stories are the best ones, where you can build the relationship and crumble it if you'd like.. but it is still the totally different way.
Guuuys please vote/comment and follow!
xoxo, Lea

Bellarke - UNITED
FanfictionThe 100 fall from the Sky. Two leaders, an immense sacrifice for their people, a slow burning love story. How will they survive? How will they get their way? How will they open their heart? #Bellarke